Andrew Mikula Obituary, Buffalo New York, Learn More About Andrew Mikula Death

Andrew Mikula Obituary, Death Cause – Yesterday in the Independence hospital, Andrew Mikula, who had lived at 11221 Chicago, Sugar Creek, and had reached the age of sixty, passed away. Sugar Creek was his home community at the time. At that time, Sugar Creek was the community that he called home. Over the course of his whole lifespan, this specific individual has spent the most of his life in the United States of America, despite the fact that he was born in the Czechoslovak Republic.

In the year 1928, he made the decision to make Sugar Creek his permanent residence and eventually moved down there full-time. He was a member of the Messiah Lutheran church in Independence, and he had only lately resigned from his employment as an employee at the Missouri Portland Cement company, which was situated in Cement City. In addition, he was a member of the church.

Additionally, he was a member of the church that he went to on a regular basis. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Mary Mikula of the home; four daugh- ters, Mrs. Mary Whitley, Ilasco, Mo.; Mrs. Anna Richards, Spo- kane, Wash., and Theresa Mikula and Frances Mikula, both of the home; two sons, Andrew Mikula, jr., 10608 Kentucky, Sugar Creek, and John David Mikula, with the Navy at Gauntanamo Naval base.

Cuba; two sisters, Mrs. Anna Gasko, Ilasco, co, and Mrs. Mary Speck, Detroit; two brothers, Steve Mikula, Ilasco, and George Mikula, Des Moines, and nine grandchildren. Funeral services will be held in the Carson chapel on Monday at 1:30 o’clock, and the burial will take place at the Wood-lawn cemetery once the services have concluded. Monday is going to be the day for two different occurrences to take place.
