Why Is Jacob Batalon Bald? Does He Have Alopecia or Cancer?

Jacob Batalon’s bald head has prompted questions about whether he has alopecia or cancer. He does not appear to have cancer but reports say he was diagnosed with alopecia when he was 8 years old. The actor has, however, not come out to confirm this.

What Happened to Jacob Batalon’s Hair?

Jacob Batalon has been seen to appear in most of his acting gigs with his natural bald head. This got most of the public wondering if he shaves his hair every time or if he was born bald or had an illness that caused it. Many sources have revealed that the cause of his baldness was alopecia.

Alopecia is an autoimmune illness that causes hair loss throughout the body. Reports have it that the actor wasn’t born bald as he was diagnosed with the illness at the age of 8. Though he hasn’t made any statement about the illness, he doesn’t have beards or hair on his head but does have eyebrows.

This made many dig into his family history to know if he inherited it from his parents, but the fact still remains that the actor is naturally bald and does not shave his hair. He is a healthy guy and has not made it known to the public if he has been diagnosed with any illness so far.

Jacob Batalon has appeared in most of his acting gigs with his natural bald hair. The actor also goes for a change in some of his movies and appears in them with wigs. He appeared in all four seasons of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (Spider-Man films) as Ned Leeds with a wig on.

Does Jacob Batalon Have Alopecia or Cancer?

Jacob Batalon does not have cancer but claims have it that he was diagnosed with alopecia at the age of 8. Based on research, the actor was spotted in a picture on Instagram as a toddler with hair. Before and after he has gained fame, he has been spotted severally without hair which confirms that he has alopecia though he hasn’t made any statements concerning it.

Cancer and alopecia rumors came up as a result of his public appearances with his bald head. Though these speculations about his health have been making the rounds, the actor has been seen serving the public with the best interpretation of roles.

Did Jacob Batalon Lose Weight?

Jacob Batalon lost 112 pounds in 2020 when he was spotted in the movie Spider-Man: No Way Home. His weight before the weight loss is unknown, but he was seen to be overweight. Due to the fact that his weight affected his job, he embarked on a weight loss journey.

He hired the services of a weight trainer who put him through a rigorous exercise routine. The trainer placed him on a 90-minute workout for six days, which included renegade rows, burpees, and medicine ball slams. In addition to the exercise, he also opted for a healthy diet to facilitate the exercise.

In an interview with Men’s Health, where he narrated his weight loss journey, he expressed how happy he was with his newfound weight. In his statement, he found that many who are overweight are suffering. He stated that he was lucky enough to have found his health.

The actor further stated that he uses medicine balls to feel more energetic and help relieve anger. Jacob is seen to keep up with improving his weight and maintaining it.

Was Jacob Batalon Fat?

Jacob Batalon was seen to be fat before he embarked on his weight loss journey. That caused a buzz after he was spotted in Spider-Man: No Way Home. Though his weight before the weight loss is unknown, he is known to have weighed more than 200 pounds.

According to statistics, the world’s average weight for an adult over 20 years of age is 136.7 pounds. This meant that the actor was considered fat following his excess weight gain.
