What did Austin Hahn do? Indiana man arrested after attacking a co-worker with a hammer

A 27-year-old man from Indiana, Austin Hahn, has been arrested for the attempted murder of his colleague. The incident took place on August 20, 2023, when Austin approached his co-worker from behind and swung a hammer at him multiple times. Several other colleagues witnessed the incident.

The colleagues claim that they saw Hahn calmly dispose of the hammer before leaving the scene. Following that, the 27-year-old tapped another colleague on the chest and said, "Sh*t happens," as he stepped out of the office.

Officers with the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department responded to the scene at around 7:30 am when they arrived at the Bright Sheet Metal Company. They found the victim with multiple injuries including skull fractures, a broken jaw, bleeding in the brain, and missing teeth. The man was rushed to the St. Vincent Hospital in serious condition.

A day later, on August 21, 2023, Austin Hahn was arrested for the crime. The crime was reported by multiple media outlets who also shared the same on their social media channels. The news was then shared by several netizens who expressed shock and disbelief at the same.

Austin Hahn and the victim were allegedly the best of friends

Image Via Twitter/@robert71311

The motive behind Austin Hahn attacking his colleague with a hammer is still unclear. However, other colleagues told police that Hahn and his victim were best friends before the attack.

WXIN reported that Hahn and the victim had gotten into an argument seven days before the incident. The victim had allegedly done something to infuriate Austin but it is reported that the latter apologized and the argument had seemingly ceased. It was due to this that the co-workers were shocked to see Hahn approach and attack the victim.

The victim spoke to the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department and told them that he was at his workstation when Austin Hanh began attacking him. He claimed that there were others who saw the attack and these people were interviewed by the police.

Image via Twitter/@VelmaDinkey50

A co-worker said that the hammer Austin Hahn used is called a tinner hammer and has a square face on one end with a sharp one on the other. Hahn allegedly used the sharp edge of the hammer to repeatedly hit his victim and landed six or seven blows on him.

Hahn reportedly disposed of the hammer right after the incident before driving to his mother's house. Austin Hahn's mother was the one who called the police and told them that her son had attacked a co-worker. Following this, the Anderson Police Department arrived at his mother's house and arrested Hahn before taking him to the police station.

Hahn was then transferred to the Criminal Justice Campus by the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police. He is currently being detained without bond on the charge of attempted murder. Austin is also facing felony charges for aggravated battery and battery by means of a deadly weapon.

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