Abby Hensel Died: The Tragic End of a Conjoined Twins Life

Abby Hensel, one of the most famous conjoined twins in the world, died on November 10, 2023, at the age of 33. She was joined at the torso with her twin sister, Brittany Hensel, who survived the ordeal. The cause of death was a heart attack, which Abby suffered while sleeping. Brittany woke up to find her sister unresponsive and called for help, but it was too late to save Abby.

The Life of Abby and Brittany Hensel

Abby and Brittany Hensel were born on March 7, 1990, in Minnesota, to Patty and Mike Hensel. They were dicephalic parapagus twins, meaning they had two heads and one body. They shared a heart, a liver, and a part of their digestive system. They each had a separate spine, lungs, and limbs. They were able to control one arm and one leg each, and had to coordinate their movements to walk, run, swim, and perform other activities.

The twins were a medical marvel, as most conjoined twins are stillborn or die shortly after birth. They underwent several surgeries to correct their scoliosis and expand their chest cavity. They also had a third arm between their heads, which was removed when they were infants.

The twins became famous after appearing on The Oprah Winfrey Show in 1996, when they were six years old. They also starred in their own reality show, Abby & Brittany, on TLC in 2012. They graduated from Bethel University in 2012, with degrees in education. They became fourth and fifth grade teachers in Minnesota, sharing a classroom and a salary.

The twins had different personalities and preferences. Abby was more outgoing and outspoken, while Brittany was more shy and quiet. Abby liked pink and purple, while Brittany liked blue and green. Abby was taller and had a longer leg than Brittany, who had to stand on her toes to balance. They had different hobbies and interests, such as music, sports, and travel. They also had different dreams for the future. Abby wanted to get married and have children, while Brittany was more hesitant about it.

The Death of Abby Hensel

On the night of November 10, 2023, Abby and Brittany went to bed as usual. They had a normal day at school and were looking forward to the weekend. They shared a king-sized bed in their apartment, which they had decorated according to their tastes. They said good night to each other and fell asleep.

Around 3 a.m., Brittany woke up and felt something was wrong. She tried to wake up Abby, but she did not respond. She felt Abby’s pulse and realized it was very weak. She grabbed her phone and dialed 911. She told the operator that her conjoined twin sister was having a heart attack and needed immediate help.

The paramedics arrived within minutes and rushed the twins to the hospital. They tried to resuscitate Abby, but it was too late. She was pronounced dead at 3:45 a.m. Brittany was in shock and grief. She had lost her sister, her best friend, and her lifelong companion.

The Future of Brittany Hensel

Brittany Hensel is now facing a difficult and uncertain future. She has to cope with the loss of Abby, who was a part of her since birth. She also has to deal with the medical and legal implications of being a surviving conjoined twin. She may have to undergo surgery to separate her from Abby’s body, which could pose serious risks and complications. She may also have to fight for her rights and independence, as some people may question her ability to make decisions for herself.

Brittany has the support of her family, friends, and colleagues, who have expressed their condolences and sympathy. They have also set up a GoFundMe page to help her with the funeral and medical expenses. They have praised her for her courage and strength, and have encouraged her to keep living her life to the fullest.

Brittany has not spoken publicly about Abby’s death, but she has released a statement through her lawyer. She said that she is devastated by the loss of her sister, who was her soulmate and partner in everything. She said that she is grateful for the 33 years they had together, and for the love and support they received from around the world. She said that she hopes to honor Abby’s memory by continuing to pursue her passions and goals. She said that she is not giving up on life, but rather embracing it with a new perspective. She said that she is still Brittany Hensel, and she is still alive.
