To remove maggots we first chill them with an anesthetic spray, then pick them off one by one. We have to be careful to flush them down the toilet when we’re finished. If we drop them into a trash can they will soon mature into flies and swarm around! Maggots are not actually causing any harm in a wound.Click to see full answer. Keeping this in view, how do I get rid of maggots in my toilet?Pour boiling water over maggots to kill them instantly. If you want, you can add a cup of bleach and 1 1/2 cups of hydrogen peroxide to a gallon of boiling water.Similarly, what should you not flush down the toilet? What NOT to Flush Down the Toilet Feminine Products. Tampons and other feminine hygiene products are not supposed to be flushed down the toilet. Cooking Grease/Food. Grease should never be poured down any drain, period. Baby Wipes/Wet Wipes/Cleaning Pads. Dental Floss. Q-tips/Cotton Balls. Diapers. Pills. Paper Towels/Tissues. Beside above, can a bug survive being flushed down the toilet? Sadly (or not, depending on if you hate bugs) most of them do in fact die. They breathe through tiny holes throughout the outside of their body called spiracles (they don’t have lungs) so essentially their whole body becomes flooded with water and all the other chemicals we have in our sewage.What happens if you flush a cockroach down the toilet?Cockroaches Can Hold Their Breath for 40 Minutes – Before you think about flushing cockroaches down the toilet, you should probably not that they can hold their breath for as long as 40 minutes and survive when submerged in water. Flushing the cockroach will not kill it.