Is Oliver Anthony going on tour with Kid Rock and Jason Aldean? Viral article debunked

An article recently surfaced online, claiming that country singer Oliver Anthony will be joining Jason Aldean and Kid Rock for their “You Can’t Cancel America” tour, adding that it would be a blend of a comedic opera and a musical extravaganza. published the article on September 2 and said that tickets for the tour were selling out fast after its announcement. It stated that fans were left wondering as to what could be expected from this trio.

However, netizens who might have been looking forward to this tour and want to buy tickets, won’t be able to do so, because the “You Can’t Cancel America” tour is not real. There has been no such announcement made in reality that the Cobwebs and Cocaine singer is to join forces with Rock and Aldean for any musical tour.

The source of the article,, essentially publishes stories that are satirical in nature. The website stated on its "About Us" page:

"Our satirical articles provide a fresh and entertaining take on the latest space news, while our analysis delves deep into the technical, financial, and political aspects of space travel."

Thus the viral claim that Oliver Anthony is to perform alongside Kid Rock and Jason Aldean on the "You Can't Cancel America" tour is false. The tour itself is also purely fictional.

Oliver Anthony's alleged tour with Kid Rock and Jason Aldean sparks reactions online

Some people online were left in a state of confusion after hearing about the musical trio and expressed that it was quite unexpected for Oliver Anthony to pair up with Aldean and Rock, who are known to be conservatives. Oliver Anthony, meanwhile, has asserted being a centrist in the past.

However, a few people figured out that the singer was not going on any tour called "You Can't Cancel America" and that the news was fake.

Internet reacts to claims of Anthony going on "You Can't Cancel America" tour alongside Jason Aldean and Kid Rock. (Image via Reddit/@u/ATLHoeAway)
Internet reacts to claims of Anthony going on "You Can't Cancel America" tour alongside Jason Aldean and Kid Rock. (Image via Reddit/@u/ATLHoeAway)
Internet reacts to claims of Anthony going on "You Can't Cancel America" tour alongside Jason Aldean and Kid Rock. (Image via Reddit/@u/ATLHoeAway)
Internet reacts to claims of Anthony going on "You Can't Cancel America" tour alongside Jason Aldean and Kid Rock. (Image via Reddit/@u/ATLHoeAway)
Internet reacts to claims of Anthony going on "You Can't Cancel America" tour alongside Jason Aldean and Kid Rock. (Image via Reddit/@u/ATLHoeAway)
Internet reacts to claims of Anthony going on "You Can't Cancel America" tour alongside Jason Aldean and Kid Rock. (Image via Reddit/@u/ATLHoeAway)

The prequel of this viral claim about Oliver Anthony's participation in the tour appeared to have been published on another satire website,, on July 21. This website is a part of the satire network, America’s Last Line of Defense.

On Latherland’s website, the headline of the article stated that Jason Aldean and Kid Rock’s collab tour “You Can’t Cancel America” was happening.

On Facebook, the search results for the “You Can’t Cancel America” tour prompted a number of comments from netizens who appeared to have believed that the tour was actually going to happen, only to find out that it was a satire all along.

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