What Actually Happened Between Abigail Simon And Jose Diaz? Dateline Explores On Whole Story

The television show Dateline reviewed Abigail Simon's affair with her student Jose Diaz. She is reportedly sexually involved with a 15-year-old male student and is on trial.

Dateline NBC, since its debut in 1992,  has been a mainstay of the newsmagazine category. It contains a huge archive of real reporting and in-depth news reports.

The topic of Abigail Simon's hookup with her pupil is becoming a hot topic on the drama show. Despite the fact that the incident occurred in 2014, it has recently resurfaced on social networks.

The child, who was 15 when he reportedly had a brief but intense romance with Simon in the spring of 2013, will be cross-examined for two days.

What Happened Between Abigail Simon And Jose Diaz? Affair With Student Exposed

Abigail Simon, a retired Michigan high school teacher, was suspected of having an affair with one of her students, Jose Diaz.

Their relationship seemed mutual and they both understood it was bad, as per the boy's statement. One of the messages from the instructor to Jose stated that she is afraid of the youngster because he is only 15 years old.

After the boy's mom discovered images of Simon wearing a garter belt on her son's cellphone, she was sacked from her job as a teacher and study hall manager at Catholic Central and West Catholic high schools.

#abigailsimon Grand Rapids tutor imprisoned for child abuse was SO much more believable on stand than #amberheard.

— rusynbaba (@rusynbaba) May 27, 2022

The high school teacher and the accused victim used personal nicknames to refer to each other. According to Wood TV, he claimed Simon called him boo and his previous tutor baby girl.

Between February 1 and April 26, 2013, the two were reportedly romantically involved as per the source

Also Read: Who Is Abigail Simon And What Did She Do? Dateline's A Teachers Message Explore Her True Story

Did Abigail Simon Have a Husband?

Abigail Simon has not shared any details regarding her husband or marriage life so far. 

During her court appearance, she made no reference to her spouse or romantic life. Furthermore, there is not a lot of information on her personal life available on the internet.

After being arrested on charges of engaging in sexual activity with her minor student Jose, the 40-year-old high school teacher was recently photographed in a mug shot.

The youngster, who was 17 years old in 2015, testified again in court, claiming that the relationship was mutual and introducing text conversations between the two to back up his claim.

Details On Abigail Simon Prison Time And Sentence

Abigail Simon, who is 40 years old, is currently serving an eight-year prison term. She is accused of sexual assault in the first degree and hassling a minor for unethical intentions.

The former high school teacher stated the teen sexually abused her during the trial. The school administration claimed in 2014 that they were clueless about the incident that occurred nearby.


Almost all of their interactions are said to have taken place at Simon's residence in Grand Rapids' 300 block of Bridge Street North West. Jose was questioned for the first time on Monday, November 17th.

He denied slapping Simon before they started having sex, and he giggled at the suggestion that he followed Abigail.
