Who are Evan Hulls parents, Dana and Jim? All about Colts RBs family

With Jonathan Taylor wanting away from the Colts, it gives a chance for Evan Hull to emerge and take that spot. He has come a long way since he grew up in Maple Grove in Minnesota with his mother.

Evan Hull's mother is Dana Lynn Castonguay. She's a Minnesota native who studied at the University of Minnesota Duluth. She worked at Ramsey County Health Services before moving to health coaching. As per 'The Football USA', Dana works at Matrix Consulting operating as TrueYou Health Coaching.

She married Jim Sorenson, another Minnesota native, in 2010. Jim is Evan Hull's stepfather and a graduate of University of Minnesota Twin Cities. Originally from Sleepy Eye, he started dating Dana in 2006 and moved to Maple Grove after his marriage.

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Through an earlier relationship, he has a son, Garrett Sorensen, who is the Colts running back's half brother.

Evan Hull's wife: Tienne

Evan Hull got married this year to Tienne Roose, his long-time girlfriend. Based on their wedding website on 'The Knot', his romance began in 2016, when they were 15.

She met him at Maple Grove Senior High, where she was for just three months. However, that short acquaintance created a spark that lasted over a long distance relationship as he went to play college football at Northwestern and she went to Grand Canyon University.

They got married on Jul. 7, 2023, having met on that day in 2016. He proposed to Tienne on Aug. 29 in Saint Stephens Green Park, Dublin, while they were vacationing together. Tienne has a biology degree emphasizing Pre-Medicine and works as a personal trainer.

Evan Hull's sporting career

Evan Hull is now a running back with the Indianapolis Colts, having been selected in the fifth round of the 2023 NFL Draft. Before that, he played at Northwestern University, accumulating 2,417 yards in 488 rush attempts and 18 touchdowns, as well as 94 catches for 851 yards and four touchdowns in 35 games.

However, before he decided to focus on football, he was an athlete who excelled at different sports. His first love was always football, but he realized that to get better at that, he should train in track and field. In an interview to Mark Rice of Mile Split Minnesota in 2019, he revealed that he got involved with running in seventh grade.

He has a personal best of 10.78 and 21.81 seconds in 100m and 200m respectively. He reportedly made it to the finals of the State Meet in his sophomore year and also participated in wrestling during the winter.

It's clear to draw a line from there to how the rookie running back has developed as a football player in that position. His speed comes from his track and field training.

His physical strength and mental toughness comes from his wrestling background. Putting all of that together, it makes him the ideal fit to be a running back in the NFL, where he can pursue the sport he most loves.

With Jonathan Taylor requesting a trade and the Colts granting it, the team is giving signals that they're happy with what they have to let a star running back like him go. Considering they drafted Evan Hull in this year's NFL Draft, unfairly or fairly, a lot of eyes will be on him if Taylor moves away from Indianapolis.

However, given his strong sports and family background and support from his wife now that they're married, he will undoubtedly feel more sanguine in taking on the challenges professional football brings.

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