Garrett Wilson is looking forward to another stellar year in the NFL, but his girlfriend Tatum Talboo might be facing an even bigger challenge. She is reportedly studying at Ohio State University at the Fisher College of Business. Her Bachelor of Business Administration is set to run until 2024 when she graduates.
Currently, she is working in the Los Angeles Metropolitan Area as a recruiter based on her LinkedIn profile. It is her first foray outside the state of Ohio, where she was born and raised.
Tatum Talboo was born in the Toledo Metropolitan Area on February 15, 2002, in the city of Sylvania, Ohio. Her parents are David and Angie Zaenger Talboo. In addition to her studies, she commands a significant amount of attention on social media platforms. She is present on TikTok, Instagram and Facebook, among other engagements.

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Garrett Wilson and Tatum Talboo: the new couple in town
Garrett Wilson was selected by the New York Jets in the first round of the 2022 NFL Draft as the 10th overall pick. He justified the selection by receiving for more than 1,000 yards and bringing in the NFL Offensive Rookie of the Year Award.
Prior to playing in the NFL, he impressed observers when he played college football at Ohio State from 2019 to 2021. It was there that he met Tatum Talboo.
She officially posted about her romance in September 2021 and was seen at his college games in October 2021. She also went to watch him play at Ann Arbor, Michigan in November 2021. In 2022, they took a trip together to the Devil’s Bridge in Sedona, Arizona in the month of January. When the NFL Draft rolled along, she was there with him again as he was picked in the first round.
Since then, she has been by his side as he carries on with his NFL career. Garrett Wilson received for 1,103 yards and scored four receiving touchdowns last season. It was a monumental achievement as the Jets offense was never explosive. The rotated through four quarterbacks during the season, using Joe Flacco, Zach Wilson, Mike White and Chris Streveler.
For his achievements, he won the NFL Offensive Rookie of the Year Award, as mentioned before, and was therefore present at the 12th Annual NFL Honors. Tatum Talboo accompanied Garrett Wilson on the red carpet as well, looking resplendent in a black gown and white handbag.
She will undoubtedly be cheering on for him this season as well. With Aaron Rodgers now the new quarterback for the New York Jets, Garrett Wilson has the chance to do even better than last season this year. Beyond individual accolades, he has the chance to genuinely compete for the Super Bowl.
The New York Jets have a robust defense that allowed only 311.1 total yards per game across the regular season. That was the fourth-best in the league. They also gave up only 18.6 points per game, which was also among the top four in the NFL.
The three teams above them: the San Francisco 49ers, Buffalo Bills and Baltimore Ravens, all made the playoffs. The two teams just below them: the Dallas Cowboys and Cincinnati Bengals also played in the postseason.
Therefore, if the Jets offense plays at an elite level, there is every reason to believe they can definitely be in the mix at the end of the season. Garrett Wilson will play a major role in any offensive scheme. But while he will have Tatum Talboo supporting him, he might do well to also be at her side as she navigates the final year of her undergraduate course.
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