Julia Louis-Dreyfus Nose Job Plastic Surgery Before and After

[ads1 id=”alignright”]Julia Louis-Dreyfus was the first former star from NBC’s Seinfeld to prove that there was no supposed curse preventing the sitcom’s alumni from staring in new television shows.

Julia went to star in lead roles in the TV series “The New Adventures of Old Christine” and “Veep,” which she also produced.

However, along with different roles, it seems that Julia’s appearance has also been different as of lately, which could be a result of plastic surgery.

Julia Louis-Dreyfus claims that diet and exercise as well as good genes are the reason that she looks so hot, despite being in her fifties now. She claims that has not been under the knife, but she has alluded that she may consider undergoing plastic surgery if the need arises.

According to her, she is afraid of the idea of going under the knife and her husband Brad Hall, an actor, director and writer, is “100 percent against” plastic surgery. Julia Louis-Dreyfus hopes to remain as natural as her mother, but is she really natural?Ezoic

It is highly unlikely because when Julia began starring in “The New Adventures of Old Christine” she was barely recognizable due to her unbelievably youthful appearance.

Most notably, Julia has been suspected of having undergone rhinoplasty and using Botox injections since she now has a smaller nose and unusually smoother skin. Truth be told, it does seem that her nose is narrower than before.

Julia Louis-Dreyfus Nose Job Plastic Surgery Before and After

Julia Louis-Dreyfus Nose Job Plastic Surgery Before and After


Dr. David Shafer, a New York-based plastic, also believes that Julia Louis-Dreyfus has most likely gotten Botox injected into her face. He is so certain because he points out that drooping or brow ptosis can be noticed in her more recent photos, which was not there in her old photos.

Moreover, he also points out there here more recent photos do not show wrinkles on her face that were previous present.


Dr. Paul S. Nassif, a Beverly Hills-based plastic surgeon, has also noticed that she now has a softer and smaller nose, which he agrees looks good, but believes it to be a result of a nose job. Indeed, even if Julia Louis-Dreyfus has supposedly not been under the knife, she stills looks striking for her age.

