Ernesto Ancira, Jr. Business
Whois hedating right now?
According to our records, Ernesto Ancira, Jr. is possibly single.
Ernesto Ancira, Jr. was previously married to Robin Ancira.
Ernesto Ancira, Jr. is a member of the following lists: 1944 births and People from San Antonio, Texas.
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Relationship Statistics
Type | Total | Longest | Average | Shortest |
Married | 1 | - | - | - |
Total | 1 | - | - |
First Name | Ernesto |
Last Name | Ancira |
Full Name at Birth | Ernesto Ancira Jr. |
Alternative Name | Ernesto Ancira Jr. |
Birthday | 30th November, 1943 |
Birthplace | San Antonio, Texas, USA |
Occupation Text | Auto Dealer |
Occupation | Business |