Are Abby And Brittany Hensel Married? All You Need To Know


Are Abby And Brittany Hensel Married? – Abby and Brittany Hensel are American conjoined twins who are dicephalic parapagus twins (having two ends connected to the body) and are very symmetrical for conjoined twins, giving the appearance of having a single body with no discernible change in proportion.

Each person has a heart, a stomach, a spine, a pair of lungs, and a spinal cord. Each twin controls one arm and one leg. As babies, learning to crawl, walk, and clap requires cooperation. They can eat and write separately and simultaneously.

Who are Abby And Brittany Hensel?

Abigail Loraine Hensel and Brittany Lee Hensel born on March 7, 1990, are American conjoined twins who are dicephalic parapagus twins (having two ends connected to the body) and are very symmetrical for conjoined twins, giving the appearance of having a single body with no discernible change in proportion.

Each person has a heart, a stomach, a spine, a pair of lungs, and a spinal cord. Each twin controls one arm and one leg. As babies, learning to crawl, walk, and clap requires cooperation. They can eat and write separately and simultaneously. Activities such as running, swimming, brushing your hair, playing the piano or volleyball, riding a bike, or driving a car all require coordination.

Their lives have been covered by the media, including Life magazine and The Oprah Winfrey Show. They were interviewed on The Learning Channel in December 2006, discussing their daily lives and future plans, and starred in their own reality series, Abby & Brittany, on TLC in 2012. Since 2013, both have been teachers in Minnesota.

Abby and Brittany Hensel were born in Carver County, Minnesota, to Patty, a registered nurse, and Mike Hensel, a carpenter and landscaper. They have a younger brother and a younger sister. They grew up in New Germany, Minnesota, attended Mayer Lutheran High School, Mayer, and graduated from Bethel University, St. Paul in 2012.


When they were born, their parents decided not to undergo separation surgery after hearing from doctors that they were unlikely to survive the surgery. As the twins grew, learned to walk, and developed other skills, their parents confirmed the decision not to separate, arguing that the quality of life of the surviving twin(s) living separately would be less than that of the twins.

As teenagers, the twins each passed their written and practical driver’s license exams separately because although driving required coordination between them, state law required each to have a license drive. Abby controls the instruments on the right side of the driver’s seat; Brittany, those on the left. Together they control the steering wheel.

They both graduated from high school in 2008 and began college at Bethel University in Arden Hills, Minnesota, majoring in education. They considered pursuing different concentrations within that major, but the additional course load was too limited. They both graduated with Bachelor of Arts degrees in 2012.

Some of Abby and Brittany Hensel’s outfits were altered by the tailors to have two separate necklines, to emphasize their individuality. They usually eat separate meals, but sometimes share one meal for convenience. For tasks like answering emails, they type and respond as one, anticipating each other’s emotions with little verbal communication between them. Their grammar choices were to use “I” when they agreed and to use their names when their answers differed.

They do not like being stared at or photographed by strangers while doing private things. In an interview with the Discovery Channel in 2006, when they were just 16 years old, they said they hoped to date, get married, and have children. They also stated that they hoped that by providing certain information about themselves, they would be able to lead a fairly typical social life.

Abby and Brittany Hensel both became teachers in 2013 and 2022 and continued to teach fifth grade at Sunnyside Elementary School in New Brighton, Minnesota.

Are Abby And Brittany Married?

Contrary to rumors circulating about Abby and Brittany Hensel’s marriage, the siamese twins are not married yet. They both hope to one day live their perfect love story.

How old are the twins Abby and Brittany Hensel?


Born on March 7, 1990, Abby and Brittany Hensel the siamese twins are 33 years now.

Abby And Brittany Hensel Physiology

Abby and Brittany Hensel have unique bodies with separate heads and necks, larger-than-average chests, two arms, and two legs. When born, they have a rudimentary arm at the base of the neck attached to a shoulder blade at the back. It was removed, leaving the shoulder blade intact.

Abby’s head is tilted about 5 degrees to the right, while Brittany’s head is tilted to the left about 15 degrees, making her appear smaller even when sitting. Brittany’s legs are almost 2 inches shorter than Abby’s and Brittany tends to stand and walk on tiptoes, which makes her calf muscles significantly larger than Abby’s.

Abby’s continued spinal growth was stopped surgically after Brittany stopped growing prematurely. At age 12, they underwent surgery at Gillette Children’s Specialty Healthcare to correct scoliosis and enlarge their chest cavity to prevent breathing problems.

Each twin manages one side of their Siamese body. Everyone’s sense of touch is limited to one half of the body; this fades in the midsagittal plane so that there is a small overlap across the midline. However, abdominal pain is felt only by the twin on the opposite side.

They use their limbs cooperatively when both arms or both legs are needed. Using coordinated efforts, they walk, run, swim, play volleyball, piano and often ride bicycles. Together, they can type on a computer keyboard and drive a car.

However, Abby, who is 5 ft 2 in (1.57 m) tall, is taller and has longer legs than 4 ft 10 in (1.47 m) Brittany, and their height difference caused difficulties balancing on a Segway, as shown in their 2012 reality series.

Abby and Brittany Hensel have individual organs in the upper part of their body, while most of those at and below the navel are shared, the exception being the spinal cord.

Together they have:

  • 2 heads
  • 2 spines merging at the coccyx and joined at the thorax by sections of ribs. Surgery corrected scoliosis.
  • 2 completely separate spinal cords
  • 2 arms (originally 3, but the rudimentary central arm was removed, leaving the central shoulder blade in place)
  • 1 broad ribcage with 2 highly fused sternums and traces of bridging ribs. Surgery expanded the pleural cavities.
  • 2 breasts
  • 2 hearts in a shared circulatory system (nutrition, respiration, and medicine taken by either affects both)
  • 4 lungs with the medial lungs moderately fused, not involving Brittany’s upper right lobe; three pleural cavities
  • 1 diaphragm with well coordinated involuntary breathing, slight central defect
  • 2 stomachs
  • 2 gallbladders
  • 1 liver, enlarged and elongated right lobe
  • Y-shaped small intestine, with slightly spastic double peristalsis at the juncture
  • 1 large intestine (one colon, rectum, and anus)
  • 3 kidneys: 2 left, 1 right
  • 1 bladder
  • 1 set of reproductive organs
  • 2 separate half-sacrums, which converge distally
  • 1 slightly broad pelvis
  • 2 legs

Abby And Brittany Media Appearances

Abby and Brittany Hensel appeared on the Oprah Winfrey Show on April 8 and 29, 1996. In the same month, they appeared on the cover of Life with the headline “One Body, Two Souls” and Daily Lifestyle.

Their day was described in the article “The Summer of Hens”. Life followed with another story in September 1998. In 2002, they appeared in Joined for Life, a television documentary by Advanced Medical Productions, distributed on Discovery Health Channel and followed in 2003, Joined at Birth.

In 2003, an updated story of them at age 11 (filmed in 2001) was published in Time and Again in Life magazine. ABC Television also made a documentary called “Joined for Life”. A 2005 British television special as part of the Extraordinary People series. In 2006, Advanced Medical made another documentary, Joined for Life: Abby and Brittany are 16-year-olds who discuss adolescence, school, social life, and activities such as getting a driver’s license.

They starred in the TLC reality television show Abby & Brittany which aired in the United States from August to October 2012. It was broadcast by the BBC in the United Kingdom in April and May 2013 and talked about the time since they finished their university studies until they started a part-time teaching job.

Are Abby And Brittany finally separated?

No, unlike other conjoined twins who can be separated surgically, Abby and Brittany’s parents decided against surgery after learning that it was unlikely that both girls would survive the surgery.

Are Abby and Brittany Hensel Married in 2023?

No, contrary to rumors circulating about Abby and Brittany Hensel’s marriage, the Siamese twins are not married yet. They both hope to one day live their perfect love story.

Were Abby And Brittany Hensel Today?

Abby and Brittany Hensel both became teachers in 2013 and 2022 and continued to teach fifth grade at Sunnyside Elementary School in New Brighton, Minnesota.

Facts About Abby And Brittany Hensel?

Abigail Loraine Hensel and Brittany Lee Hensel are American conjoined twins.

In addition to being conjoined, Abby and Brittany are especially unique because they’re the only dicephalic paraplegus-conjoined twins who have survived into adulthood.

Abby and Brittany Hensel are perhaps the most famous pair of conjoined twins. They share a single body with each controlling one half.



