Which Yankees players have won Rookie Of The Year? MLB Immaculate Grid Answers August 9

Every day, baseball fans have the opportunity to complete a brand new Immaculate Grid puzzle. The Baseball Reference-run quiz is becoming the most popular baseball game on the internet.

The 3 x 3 Immaculate Grid comes equipped with three hints on the x-axis and three hints on the y-axis. While the clues are usually team names, sometimes a career achievement is used instead.

It is then up to the user to populate the squares with the names of MLB players - past or present - who correlate to the clues. On August 9, among other things, the Immaculate Grid wanted to know which players have won the Rookie of the Year Award in a Yankees uniform.

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While nine players have had that honor over the course of their careers, today we will be taking a look at the top names.

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Which players won a Rookie of the Year Award while playing for the New York Yankees? MLB Immaculate Grid August 9

Gil MacDougald was the first New York Yankees player to win the ROY honor since the award was established in 1940. A five-time All-Star in addition to being a five-time World Series champ, MacDougald came out swinging early in his career.

On May 3, 1951, MacDougald batted in six runs in one inning, an MLB record that still stands. His last appearance came as a pinch runner in the 1960s World Series. He passed away in 2010 at the age of 82.

"BTD 1928 Gilbert James “Gil” McDougald. #Yankees 5XWS Champ. 6X All Star. ROY." - LL COOL JON

In 1962, Tom Tresh hit .286/.359/..441 with 20 home runs and 93 RBIs to capture the Rookie of the Year Award that season. While he would never top his 1962 numbers, Tresh was an important part of the Yankees during his decade with the team, and went on to win successive All-Star honors and a Gold Glove.

In 1969, he was traded to his hometown Detroit Tigers and retired one year later.

David Righetti was the first player to win a Rookie of the Year Award for the Yankees under legendary owner George Steinbrenner. "Rags" was a left-handed pitcher who made the conversion from starter to the bullpen.

Although he went 8-4 with a 2.05 ERA as a starter to win the Rookie of the Year Award in 1981, he went on to become one of the more prolific closers. In 1983, he became the first player to throw a no-hitter and lead the lead in saves, an achievement that was later completed by legendary Oakland Athletics star Dennis Eckersley.

"Derek Jeter with his 1996 Rookie Of The Year award" - Baseball in Pics

Most modern MLB fans will know Derek Jeter and Aaron Judge. The two men won the Rookie of the Year Award 21 years apart, in 1996 and 2017 respectively. Derek Jeter went on to become one of the most widely known players in baseball history, while Aaron Judge's 62 home runs in 2022 set a single-season record.

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