Who Is Enrico Vasquez? Suspect Of Mel Dyson And Dixie Dyson Boyfriend Everything To Know

Dyson, 30, was stabbed 17 times and died while sleeping in his bed on November 17, 1984. Who is Enrico Vasquez? Let’s deep dive into the story. 

Mel Dyson, an accountant who also worked with computers in Huntington Beach, California, did a good job handling the fortunes of wealthy people.

He took pride in presenting evidence of his hard work and financial success.

But it all ended on November 17, 1984, when Dyson, 30, was stabbed 17 times and killed while sleeping in his bed.

The reason for the gruesome murder, which went unsolved for two years, comes down to something accountants deal with every day. the bottom line. The assailant was desperate for the victim’s money.

Who Is Enrico Vasquez? Is he the Suspect Of Dixie Dyson Boyfriend?

Dixie’s life was investigated further. They discovered she had a boyfriend, Enrico Vasquez, a mechanic who, unlike Mel, did not come from a wealthy family. Former Orange County Register reporter Larry Welborn described Dixie as a “sugar mother” to the producers.

Dixie shifted from victim to suspect, with Vasquez as a suspected co-conspirator. The investigation that followed generated some hits and misses. Vasquez’s fingerprints did not match the ones found inside Dixie’s car, but that didn’t rule him out.

On the other hand, Dixie was attempting to collect on her late husband’s $100,000 life insurance policy. However, the insurance company refused to pay out throughout the investigation because it was against their policy.

As for the details regarding the night, “It was a pretty vicious attack,” Tom Gilligan, a retired Huntington Beach Police Department investigator, told Oxygen’s “The Real Murders of Orange County,” which airs Sundays at 8/7c. Blood poured into the mattress and spilled all over the walls and floor.

Mel Dyson wasn’t the only victim of the tragic knifing on the night in question. Dixie, 42, his wife, informed authorities she had been sexually assaulted after calling 911 to report the crime.

She went to check on her kid at 2 a.m. after hearing him coughing in his room where he was bunking. Instead, a man grabbed her from behind, wrestled her to the floor, and raped her as she returned to her room.

Details on Enrico Vasquez Age & Wiki Explored

Enrico Vasquez’s age is yet to be revealed.\

During the investigation, a past incident involving Dixie arose, which the authorities exploited. Vasquez allegedly pawned a ring she allegedly took from Mel’s relatives. Vasquez was supposed to be arrested for receiving stolen goods. Instead, Vasquez leaped out a window and bolted as the cops arrived at his door.

However, there was insufficient evidence to warrant an arrest, so Vasquez flew to New York City.

According to Mason, detectives increased surveillance on Dixie — sometimes discreetly, sometimes openly — to let her know the inquiry was still ongoing.

The surveillance paid off eighteen months after the murder. Dixie was followed to a post office, where detectives discovered she had posted a letter to Vasquez in the Bronx.

Vasquez and Lamb were apprehended in New York in June, shortly after Dixie started collaborating with investigators. Vasquez was convicted guilty of murder and conspiracy to murder because of Dixie’s testimony. Lamb was found guilty of planning a murder plot. Both were given sentences ranging from 25 to life in prison.

Dixie Dyson was convicted of first-degree murder in 1988, but her sentence was lowered to second-degree murder after cooperating with investigators. She was then given a sentence that ranged from 15 years to life in prison.
