3 chilling details about George Volz' murder

The murder of 78-year-old George Volz shocked everyone in the neighborhood. Volz was gagged and strangled to death and his body was left to be decomposed.

An investigation that went on for months led authorities to Ramel Anderson, who also turned out to be George's neighbor.

Investigation Discovery's latest episode of Homicide City will uncover the details of this chilling murder mystery. The episode, which is a part of their, Danger Comes Home series, is slated to air on January 10th at 6PM.

The synopsis reads as follows -

When 78-year-old George Volz's family finds him hogtied and decomposing in his Philadelphia row house, police turn the elderly man's neighbors for help.

Here are some details about the case, crucial to know before watching the episode.

Chilling details about the George Volz' murder

1) George Volz was hogtied and strangled to death

Frank Volz and Joseph Volz, George Volz's brother and nephew, were known to be quite close. After two weeks passed without hearing from him, Frank and Joseph went to his house to see how he was doing and discovered his lifeless body.

George had a bedsheet tied around his neck, along with an extension cord. Realizing that it was a clear case of homicide, they called 911. Investigators saw signs of forced entry into the house and an investigation into the case was launched.

George Volz was living a retired life in his Philadelphia home for the last 50 years. He moved into the neighborhood in 1940s and was living a peaceful life.

Volz was described as a lovable person and a regular fixer in the neighborhood.

2) Ramel Anderson tried to mislead the police

The case went cold for a few months when the police were unable to narrow down one person. It was in 2000 when an inmate identified Ramel's grainy image caught on CCTV footage. Ramel was also George's neighbor.

Ramel was ready to lie to the police when they questioned him about the incident. He made an attempt to place the blame on a Brad-named person. Brad was spotted in George's automobile with George's bank card, the witness reported to the police.

However, further investigation revealed that Ramel himself was in the car, an event which he tried to deny before. The DNA of the hair follicles found inside the car matched those of Ramel's. The investigators could now guess who might have been the culprit.

3) Ramel was given life imprisonment

According to investigators, Ramel Anderson broke into George's apartment through the basement window of the house. The authorities ruled out any other motive behind the killing other than bulglary.

Anderson then proceeded to torture George for his ATM pin when the bank card did not work.

The case has seen no significant developments for more than two years. The cops weren't able to find Ramel until one of the prisoners recognized him as his brother. Ramel attempted to deny the allegations and place the responsibility elsewhere, but the facts did not support his claim.

The police detained Ramel after gathering all the evidence they could. In March 2006, he was accused of committing burglary, robbery, and second-degree murder.

Ramel was sentenced to life imprisonment a few months later. He is currently serving his sentence at the State Correctional Institution – Mahanoy in Frackville, Pennsylvania.

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