What Happened to Desiree Staperfene Ex Boyfriend? Was His Death A Murder or Suicide Details To K

Brian Douglas White is a mentally ill individual who murdered his ex-girlfriend’s boyfriend and her mother while making her watch. Learn about the killer who was inspired by the movie ‘American Psycho’.

Brian White is a convicted murderer from Livonia, Detroit. He is responsible for the murder of two.

However, he could never be held responsible as he killed himself too after the incident. Resources say that White was incredibly obsessed with ‘American Psycho’ which tells the story of Patrick Bateman, a psychopath killer portrayed by Christian Bale.

In the movie, Bateman uses an axe to kill Paul Allen and White imitated this by killing the two with an axe and a gunshot additionally. He was only 19 at the time while his ex-girlfriend was just 17.

The full case details and investigation details are provided by Dailymail. This case is still regarded as one of the most brutal killings in the history of the USA.

Was Brian White Murder Or Suicide?

Brian White died of suicide after murdering two people.

Desiree Staperfene, the survivor of the incident explained that he made watch while he killed her mother and boyfriend.

After that, he tried to get a hold of Staperfene but luckily she made her way out. Then, sometime later, White killed himself.

Due to this, we may never find the true reason for his act although there are many explanations.

What Happened To Desiree Staperfene Ex-Boyfriend Brian White?

Brian White, the alleged ex-boyfriend of Desiree Staperfene was ‘desperate to connect with her as he wrote in his Facebook status.

Hence, when he could not convince her go back to him and saw her happy with another guy, namely Jake Burns, he lost his mind in jealousy. He killed Jake and Desiree’s mother Angela and later shot himself when he could not kill Desiree during the act.

Meanwhile, most of his Facebook posts, status, and pictures were directly related to murders and homicides. His room was also decorated with dialogues of the movie American Psycho.

Some of the photos are still available online. After the incident ended, Staperfene immediately called 911 to report. The recorded phone conversation can be heard here on YouTube.

Where Is Desiree Staperfene Now?

Desiree Staperfene currently lives outside the state of Michigan.

Despite going through such a tragic incident, she still lives today with a deep-cut wound.

She stays out of the reach of media and any form of social media to avoid reminiscence.
