Who Is Cara Dumaplins Husband Ludwig Dumaplin? Everything On Her Family, Babies And Instagram

Often acclaimed as a Sleep Guru, Cara Dumplin’s one mistake literally pushed her name and business into a fire.

Cara Dumaplin is a mom of four kids, a neonatal nurse, and a certified pediatric sleep consultant. As per her website, she followed her passion for teaching parents about newborns. 

Thus, in 2013, Cara set out to initiate Taking Cara Babies.

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Quick Facts: Who Is Cara Dumaplin’s Husband Ludwig Dumaplin? Everything On Her Family, Babies And Instagram

NameCara Dumaplin
BirthdayMarch 16
ProfessionNeonatal Nurse, Pediatric Sleep Consultant
HusbandLudwig Dumaplin

Who Is Cara Dumaplin Husband Ludwig Dumaplin? 

Cara Dumaplin’s husband is Ludwig Dumaplin, who is a pediatrician. He is originally from the Philippines. 

As per Doctor.WebMD, Cara’s husband’s full name is Ludwig Daria Dumaplin; he specializes in Internal Medicine/Pediatrics and Pediatrics.

More on Mr. Dumaplin, Ludwig has six other siblings. His family, consisting of his parents and six siblings, did sugar field farming in the Philippines to survive. 

His mother wanted her family to enjoy many opportunities in the USA in near future. Thus, she took the bold decision to leave her husband and kids to work as a nurse in the US.  

Cara Dumaplin: Taking Cara Babies Instagram

About her Instagram, Cara Dumaplin goes by her business account name. She has managed to gain 1.3 million followers with a verified account.

Perhaps most of Cara’s followers are new and expecting parents, as this is specifically dedicated to them who are setting their foot or have already set in the parenthood journey.

Cara Dumaplin Trump Donations: Is She Cancelled?

Cara Dumaplin and her husband recently got into headlines after they made donations to former president DonaldTrump campaigns. After she was revealed as a Trump supporter, Cara’s customers are pissed and have demanded to boycott her business.  

As per the New York Post, Cara will not discontinue serving all parents with their kids. She will be empowering them with the materials they need to help sleep their babies. 

Hence, this proves that despite facing criticisms and boycotts, Dumaplin still has plans to carry on with her business.
