Fame | Ruth Paine net worth and salary income estimation Jan, 2024

How old is Ruth Paine? When is Ruth Paine's birthday? Where is Ruth Paine born? Where did Ruth Paine grow up from? What's Ruth Paine's age?

Ruth Paine Born: September 3, 1932 (age 90years), United States

Is Ruth Paine married? When did Ruth Paine get married? Who's Ruth Paine's married to? (Who's Ruth Paine's husband / wife)?

Ruth Paine Spouse: Michael Paine (m. 19571970)

Ruth Paine Sibling: Sylvia Hyde Hoke

She is active in Quaker and liberal charities and organizations and lives in Santa Rosa, California. The City of Irving bought the former Paine home in 2009 and has been restoring it to its 1963 condition to be turned into a museum in time for the 50th anniversary of the Kennedy assassination on November 22, 2013.
