Oompaville girlfriend Shyane Cook broke up with the musician in July 2022. They were in a relationship for ten years.
Oompaville real name is Caleb Hunter Phelps. He is also known as Papa Oompsie and was born on August 29, 1996.
The YouTuber is from the United States and uploads videos of himself reacting to memes, watching Twitch videos, using Omegle, and discussing drama on YouTube and hot topics in the news. Before May 31, 2019, he used to be known for making gaming videos, but he has since deleted them.
Now, he mainly uploads himself reacting to memes; however, he still occasionally uploads himself playing games. He released his first video on May 31, 2019. Even previous videos that he has uploaded are now private.
He enjoys wacky animations from websites and television shows like Actually Happened and Share My Story.
Who Is Oompaville Dating?
Oompaville is not dating anyone. Oompaville girlfriend now after breaking up with Shyane Cook separated back in July 2022.
In a YouTube video titled " Disgusting Twitch Drama," Ooma mentioned exiting his 10-year relationship in July. He added that he would have been married in many states but signed a cohabitation agreement.
Oompaville girlfriend break up became a hot topic since he started speaking and vocalizing it.
There used to be a time when she would often appear in his videos, and he even made some videos that were explicitly about her or revolved around her.
Oompaville wife is yet to revealed. We might have to wait for a while to see his married life.
Some of his most popular videos are about or feature his girlfriend. The most successful video featuring her has surpassed over a million views. However, these videos are either a year or two years old. He hasn't posted any video containing her for over a year now.
The last video he had with anything related to a "girlfriend" was a video called pranking my girlfriend he released ten months ago. The girlfriend in the video referred to one of the videos he was reacting to.
Cook has also decreased her social media usage since their relationship became public, as her Twitter page has yet to have any activity seen on it since 2017.
She has had the page for over a year since she started it in April 2016.
They were dating much longer than the active Twitter page, and she might have closed it for other reasons.
Oompaville and Shyane Cook's Age Difference
The Youtuber Oompaville and his girlfriend, or more specifically ex-girlfriend, Shyane Cook, seem to be the same age.
As stated above, Oompaville is 26 years old, born on August 29, 1996. Cook's exact age and date of birth are unknown, so it is impossible to see if there is any age difference between them.
In all of the videos, though, they seem to be a similar age, and there has been no indication of a substantial age difference. If there is an age difference, one can't imagine it being more than a year or two.
There has been some indication that the two are the same age because various sources state that Cook and Oompaville dated from age 15.
The official Youtube fandom wiki under Personal Life states that Oompaville was in a long-lasting relationship from the age of 15 till July 25th, 2022. The timeline matches his relationship with Cook, as she had stopped appearing on his videos a couple of months before this supposed end.
So, what can be conjectured is that sometime after the last time Cook appeared in his videos, she and Oompaville had a relationship issue that couldn't be fixed, eventually leading to their break up.
However, much to Oompaville's credit, he didn't mine this tragedy for content and just let it lie with dignity, for which he deserves some respect.
More often than not, Youtubers are more than happy to take things that happen to them in their personal life and exaggerate them for views, but not Oompaville.
Are Oompaville and Tara Dating?
Oompaville and Tara are not dating. They share dog Frankie's pictures on their feed but have not officially announced their relationship.
In 2020, A Twitter user asked if he was dating Tara, and he replied No. Oompaville is single as he mentioned in another Tweet.
Is Oompaville dating his editor? Oompaville is not dating his editor Tara.
Tara has been with or working for Oompaville, but she has often shown up in his videos.
Since then, she has appeared in seven more videos, with the most recent uploaded just a month before the writing of this article. Most of the videos they make together revolve around reacting to videos, usually shorts and TikTok.
Many people on the musician's subreddit have started wondering if they are dating.
In the comments section, too, many people have noticed that they look at each other more than friends usually do. However, these are all conjectures, and neither Oompaville nor Tara has mentioned anything about each other dating.
Although Oompaville hasn't mentioned or posted any videos or pictures of Tara or them in any relationship-like, intimate postures, Tara has posted many pictures of her with Oompaville, which makes it seem that they are dating.