Based on our research, we feel that pure, 100% linseed oil poses little, if any, toxic threat to human health, even though it does emit an odor as it dries. 1) Raw linseed oil is, in fact, flax seed oil. It takes a long time to dry but is entirely non-toxic.Click to see full answer. Correspondingly, does linseed oil have a smell?Linseed oil is oil squeezed from the flax seed. Boiled Linseed Oil would cure faster and shouldn’t have an odor after several weeks. If it’s raw linseed oil, it’s likely you are smelling the linseed oil itself, which isn’t toxic.Beside above, what does linseed smell like? Fresh flaxseed tastes like it smells — clean, crisp and mildly nutty. Conversely, rancid flaxseed tastes bitter, burnt and assertive. To taste flaxseed oil to check for rancidity, coat the back of a spoon with the oil and let the excess drip off. Simply so, how long does it take for linseed oil to stop smelling? Leave the bowls in the room for 24 hours to remove odors in the air.What does boiled linseed oil smell like?Boiled linseed oil doesn’t smell very pleasant but it will slowly dissipate. It isn’t really ‘boiled’; rather, it has chemical additives to speed up its drying after application. It’s mainly those chemicals that you smell.