In Loving Memory Of John Combe From Home Town

This article contains the details about John Combe, in whose memory the “HGTV” show, Home Town, titled “The Sky’s the limit,” was released. 

During season 4’s episode six, several fans met John Combe. The episode was aired on February 16, 2020, and during the credits, people read a message which said, “In loving memory of John Combe.”

One of the show’s hosts named, Erin Napier, went on Twitter to write a post that she felt “heartbroken” after the death of John Combe. 

Let’s find out who John Combe was and why he was famous among the viewers. Although there is less information related to John Combe’s life and his family, the article will provide you with the best information.

John Combe obituary

John Combe was born on May 23, 1949; sadly, he passed away on April 4, 2020. His cause of death was revealed to be natural. As per sources, he was declared dead at a hospital in Hattiesburg, Mississippi. 

He was reported to be 70 years old at the time of his death. His family, friends, and viewers who saw Home Town were pouring condolences after his tragic death. 

According to Napiers, he was a genuine person and hoped that the town was his new home. He said, “I fell in love with Ben and Erin. They’re just two very special people, and I love the little town of Laurel.”

John shared a comment in which he said, “I love change. If you don’t change, life is stagnant.”

According to John, his father was in the Air Force. Growing up, his family had to move to different places. John was living in Belize, a country on the Northeast coast of Central America. 

John Combe in Home Town

The episode in which John Combe was featured was named “The Sky’s the Limit” because John told the show’s hosts, Ben, and Erin Napier, that “Money’s not a problem for me. The sky’s the limit.”

He discussed the open budget for his home, which he purchased and hoped Napiers would renovate in Laurel, Mississippi. 

Alongside Erin and Ben, Combe would purchase the home of the 1950s that would be his second residence. Ben claimed that the house had three bedrooms and was bought for $199,000. The area of living space was 3,000 square feet. 

According to Erin, the house Combe bought had to undergo renovation. He said the entire renovation of the house was completed over a budget of $150,000.

Erin and Ben said that Combe was tired of living in huge cities, and he decided that he would reside in Laurel. Combe said that he would live in Laurel to relax and enjoy his life. 

Combe described the features he was looking for before buying the house. He said he was looking for a nice big kitchen with a modern design. 

He added he was looking for an industrial look-alike kitchen that he could enjoy while cooking.
