How Fast Can Knuckles Run? Celebrity

As a matter of fact, the rate of Knuckles’ strength is equal to the rate of how fast Sonic can run. Because Sonic can run between Mach 1 and Mach 5, that would mean that Knuckles can effectively lift between 100 and 500 metric tons. Besides, is knuckles as fast as Sonic? The Sonic Adventures DX manual says he can run up to 3,840 mph.

The Sonic Adventures DX manual says he can run up to 3,840 mph. As for Knuckles, his strength supposedly equals Sonic’s speed! Since Sonic has been known to run faster than Mach 5, that should mean that Knuckles can lift over 500 metric tons!

Knuckles has a lot of power. There are several times when his strength is compared to Sonic’s speed. As a matter of fact, the rate of Knuckles’ strength is equal to the rate of how fast Sonic can run. Because Sonic can run between Mach 1 and Mach 5, that would mean that Knuckles can effectively lift between 100 and 500 metric tons.

Sonic runs 765 mph said in the video game record book of 2008 Knuckles was able to catch up to that but run slower in Sonic Heros so I guess around 710 mph if not more. Q: How fast can knuckles the echidna run?

– Answers How fast can knuckles the echidna run? Sonic runs 765 mph said in the video game record book of 2008 Knuckles was able to catch up to that but run slower in Sonic Heros so I guess around 710 mph if not more. Q: How fast can knuckles the echidna run?

In the game, it serves as Knuckles’s Running Skill . Knuckles runs at a slow speed. Emerl can randomly obtain this skill after participating in a fight with Knuckles, either with or against him. 1st Attack | Chao Arch | Girl Jab | IQ200 Attack | Kn.

How does Sonic’s super state affect his speed?

Once Sonic goes super his speed increases exponentially. It’s been stated that when in his super state, his speed approaches that of the speed of light . Sonic also gains an unlimited supply of energy with major improvements to his reflexes and agility. However, there is a handicap to this form. Being that Sonic only maintains this form as long as he collects rings. Once he runs out of rings, he’s pretty much SOL….

So, in less than a day, Sonic ran more than 148,000 light-years. An undefined amount, considering he went to at least a hundred universes.

In story, he’s said to be slower than Sonic and Tails but can still keep up. In game (SA2/B), weirdly really fast. Tikal (another echidna) is faster in the 2Player mode too.

