Chris Wright Obituary Chattanooga: 38-year-old fatally shot in downtown Chattanooga, TN; Darryl Robe

Chris Wright Obituary Chattanooga, TN: 38-year-old fatally shot in downtown Chattanooga, TN; Darryl Roberts arrest & charges.

A black male shot Christopher Wright, 38, in the head at point-blank range in the center of Chattanooga, Tennessee, killing him on Thursday night, September 28.

55-year-old Darryl Roberts is now charged with first degree murder.

Police reportedly watched video of the incident and determined that Roberts was speaking to another man near a Patten Towers stairwell while wearing a red shirt and dark-colored pants, according to reports. According to them, a video showed Chris Wright walking by the two men before turning around to speak with them. He then turned back toward them but did not approach them as he went about 30 feet south from them.

Roberts then approached Chris Wright, pulled out a gun, and quickly shot him in the head. The victim dropped to the floor.

Chris was described as a well-known businessman. He was visiting the region for a Baylor School reunion.

The funeral service for Chris is scheduled for Wednesday at 11 a.m. at the Baylor School Chapel.

The family “will welcome all to celebrate and remember Christopher’s life” during visitation on Tuesday at the Baylor Chapel between 4:30-6:30 p.m..

Chris was a beloved son, brother, husband, father, and friend.
