Walkthrough - Level 6 - Imperial Fight Festival part 1 - Planet Mukow
We are aware there are more Gold Bolts than the number indicated here, but two of them cannot be attained with your current abilities. Worry not, gamer, we will be sure to cover them when we return here later.
Not much progress can be made without first seeking out six Imperial statues, which are shaped like miniature Tachyons and recognizable by its distinguishable blue aura. You need these to enter the Trail of Turning Terror. All six can be found within the vicinity. They can be found in the following places: on top of the Imperial fountain, among the bushes and flowerbeds near the fountain, to the right of the Trail of Turning Terror entrance, atop the festival's entrance (high jump up the adjacent platforms to reach it), by the fountain along the paved pathway, and the last is situated at the base of a monument on the northern isle.