Nick Searcy is a fine actor with a long, distinguished career in Hollywood films (Fried Green Tomatoes, Cast Away, The Fugitive, Moneyball) and US television (American Gothic, From The Earth to The Moon, CSI). For the last five years his role as Raylan Givens's tough-but-tender father figure Art Mullen on the Kentucky TV crime saga Justified, which has now come to a dramatic end, has been one of the finest performances in a series absolutely full of them.
Somehow, he's managed to do all this while being one of the most brazenly outspoken conservatives in the liberal-dominated entertainment industry. With the honorable exceptions of James Woods and Jon Voight, most Hollywood Republicans tend to keep their opinions to themselves. But not Searcy.
Prompted by the 2012 death of conservative firebrand Andrew Breitbart, Searcy found himself searching his soul. “Bullies on the Left, they want to call you names and categorise you and make you respond,” Searcy once said. “They want to make you say, ‘Why are you saying that? I’m not that.’ So when [Breitbart] passed away so suddenly, I just sort of had this moment where I asked myself: Why am I scared? Why am I letting these people do this to me? Now, I’m not."

Nick Searcy with Timothy Olyphant in Justified
These days, using his Twitter account and "Acting School with Nick" YouTube channel, he wages war on Obama, "fat liberals", and people who dare to tell him they won't be watching Justified any more thanks to his Twitter feed.
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But it would be wrong to dismiss Searcy as just another Right-wing wing-nut. He's passionately anti-racist (his adopted son is black) and he has many (sort of) wise things to say about tolerance, parenting, and the importance of diet and exercise. Most of all, though, he's pretty entertaining.
Searcy's first post-Justified job could be his most controversial yet – he's directing a crowd-funded film about abortionist and convicted murderer Kermit Gosnell. But for now, there's more than enough controversy to go around:
Nick Searcy versus Sean Penn
Searcy worked with Penn on the 2004 film The Assassination of Richard Nixon, and they appear to have got on well – despite having diametrically opposed political views. All that changed, however, when a journalist writing about conservatives in Hollywood asked Searcy what it was like working with liberal Penn. His email reply – which he insists was nothing but complimentary – was forwarded to Penn.
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Penn sent Searcy a furious email of his own, and to cut a long story short Searcy ended up telling the actor: "Congratulations on your Oscar – now do me a favor and shine it up real nice and stick it up your ass so you can see it when you wake up in the morning, because that’s where your head is."
About a decade later, Searcy twisted the knife further when Penn's friend Hugo Chavez passed away:
Sean Penn: "I lost a friend ..and not only that, I lost a friend with a big pile of money that he stole while claiming to be a socialist."
— Yes, Nick Searcy! (@yesnicksearcy) March 6, 2013Nick Searcy versus jealous losers
One of Searcy's favourite ways to swat away critics who say they've never heard of him, or call him a loser, is to brag about what a lovely house he has:
Or to remind them of his many awards:
Or both at the same time:
But I do have a Peabody Award, unlike most of you losers. I keep it by my heated swimming pool. @ToddPinksen
— Yes, Nick Searcy! (@yesnicksearcy) February 19, 2015• Jon Voight interview: "The Left have blood on their hands"
Nick Searcy versus "fat liberals"
Though he's no David Beckham himself, Searcy likes nothing better than to wind up anyone whose profile photo looks a little heftier than his own. “I know people have feelings," he once said. "That’s why I try to hurt them.”
Things got especially heated during an exchange in which Searcy attempted to defend his friend Adam Baldwin from accusations of homophobia:
Then there's the time he took on Roseanne Barr:
Luckily, he apologised:
Nick Searcy versus racists
Searcy has a ready response to anyone accusing him of being a racist:
The actor adopted 15-year-old Omar when he was 15 months old: “The minute I saw him, I knew he was my son. It was like God speaking to me,” he once said.
He also has an answer to those who dare to accuse him of using Omar for point-scoring:
In December 2014, Searcy showed that there's more to him than fat-shaming and ego with a Facebook post responding to an article titled 7 Things I Can Do That My Black Son Can't, which he saw as a "white privilege" take on the shootings in Ferguson.
"I do not teach my son that he is a perpetual victim, and that he is hated. He is not. He is loved and admired by all who come in contact with him, because he is a wonderful person.
I teach him that there is evil in the world, and it comes in all colours, creeds, religions and genders, but that it is never an excuse for him not to do the right thing. I teach him to take responsibility for what he does, and to make sure his side of the street is clean.
I teach him that police officers have a difficult and dangerous job, and they face potential death every time they enter even the most routine traffic stop or random encounter. I tell him 1) do not break the law, and 2) if you accidentally do, by speeding or even a careless mistake, if an officer approaches you, you treat them with the utmost respect, and do not give them ANY reason, even if you feel you have been stopped unfairly, to think that you are a threat to them, or that you are not willing to cooperate with them in every way. That is what they deserve, and that behaviour will protect you as well.
I hesitate to criticise another parent. There are problems that arise when you are a transracial parent, and all parents deal with them in their own ways. And God knows, I am not perfect."
Amen to that. You can read the rest here. Who knows, you might even end up liking him.