Taigen From Blue Eye Samurai: Is He Possible Love Interest of Mizu?

Taigen, who is initially shown as a bad character in Blue Eye Samurai, develops into a good character by the end of the show. He was the leader of the gang that bullied Mizu during her childhood. Even though he and Akemi were supposed to get married, they did not end up together. However, he does seem to become a love interest of Mizu in the middle of the show, not knowing who she really is.

Netflix‘s animated action-adventure drama Blue Eye Samurai, steeped in an all-consuming revenge tale, is distinguished by its raw and exhilarating narrative of self-actualization represented in engaging characters.

Mizu, a female samurai disguised as a man on a deadly path of vengeance, is the show’s titular protagonist. Mizu remained a mixed-race individual with piercing blue eyes throughout Japan’s Edo period, when the closed-off nation forbade foreigners within its borders. As a result, she has been socially isolated her entire life. As revenge for her struggles and their crimes against her country, Mizu hunts out the four remaining white men in Japan to execute them.

Among all the characters, Taigen is one of the most important ones. Even though he has a lot of arrogance and overconfidence in the beginning, he slowly transforms into a positive character by the end of the season. Well, let’s discuss it in detail.

Previously, we touched on Amber Noizumi and the 12 and 20 positions.

Meet Taigen From Blue Eye Samurai!

Taigen is first introduced as a bad character in Blue Eye Samurai. He was the leader of the bully kids who bullied Mizu as a child. They were all extremely biased toward her because of her mixed-race blood, strange complexion, and blue eyes, and they all caused her a lot of pain and even provoked her to commit suicide.

Taigen grew up to be a respected warrior and the Shindo Dojo’s top student. His unbeaten streak is finally shattered when Mizu arrives searching for the dojo master and knocks up all the other students.

Taigen is celebrating his upcoming wedding to Akemi when he learns about the terrible warrior. He rushes to face Mizu, not recognizing who she is. Mizu humiliates him as she cuts his gorgeous hair and leaves. To reclaim his honor, he chases her and binds her to a contract for an official duel.

However, he develops a complicated bond with Mizu along the way, even refusing to reveal her location to Fowler and Shindo when he tortures him in the castle. He and Mizu’s chemistry increases and grows until, at Master Eiji‘s house, when he physically tackles her to cheer her up, she playfully pins him down and sits on him.

Taigen gets sexually stimulated by this and scrambles to collect himself and conceal his boner as he realizes. Mizu can’t tell him she’s a girl because he starts making explanations for his physical reaction and the discussion shifts to Akemi.

Later, Taigen lashes out at Mizu for hiding this information from him so far and departs, abusing her and inflicting more pain on her with his terrible remarks as soon as he realizes what is about to happen with Akemi and the shogunate.

Mizu or Akemi: Who Does Taigen End Up With?

At the start of Blue Eye Samurai, Taigen is seeking and striving for glory. He wants all the respect and recognition, and he has it with his uninterrupted record in duels. He’s a skilled samurai whose abilities are considerably beyond those of his peers. However, all of this changes when Mizu humiliates him in a battle.

Mizu continues to outperform him, and while he remains sure that he will defeat her in an official battle, he confesses in an unexpected and uncharacteristic moment of humility that she may be a better fighter than him.

By the end of season one, Taigen gives up on all his pursuits for power and is only interested in happiness, which he thinks and hopes he’ll find with Akemi as the two escape. However, Akemi seeks glory for herself as she seeks control over her fate, and she is on the opposite end of the want spectrum. Thus, Taigen does not end up with Akemi or Mizu, and his present whereabouts are not revealed before the season 1 credits roll.
