Curtis Durrell Straughter: The 10th Murder Victim Of Dahmer

Curtis Durrell Straughter was the 10th murder victim of cannibalistic serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer. Dahmer was completely fixated on boys and young men.

On April 6, 1973, Dorothy gave birth to Curtis Durrell Straughter. Curtis was young and vivacious and had the entire world at his disposal. He lived together with his grandmother. 

After recently losing his job as a nursing assistant, Curtis had plans to become a model and finish college.

On February 18, 1991, Curtis Durrell Straughter, then 17 years old, was waiting at a bus stop outside Marquette University. That was when he first encountered Curtis Durell Straughter. 

Big-time and monstrous serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer was infamous for his evil and hideous acts while still alive.

Despite being a lively and happy child at first, Jeffrey quieted down with time. He lost interest, became tense, and withdrew.

11 victims were gradually drawn to Jeffrey Dahmer’s flat through encounters on city streets, in homosexual bars, in malls, and at bus stops.

They largely consisted of unmarried, young males looking for a good time, with one runaway and a few free spirits. If they posed for photos and watched sex films with a companion who had sandy hair and brown eyes and served them beverages, they would be paid.

Regardless of who they believed him to be, Dahmer turned out to be a butcher who claimed they suffered a distinct fate after having their drinks drugged with sleeping pills, being strangled, and having their bodies dismembered before keeping their heads and other body parts in his apartment.

Grieving families are finding it difficult to comprehend how their loved ones might have been taken in voluntarily. One piece of information comes from the man who fled Dahmer’s grasp on Monday night and informed authorities.

The Ambrosia Chocolate Co.’s former employee Dahmer, 31, admits to killing 11 people in his apartment, and authorities believe he may have killed another six. Dahmer has a history of alcoholism and is a judged child molester. The youngster he sexually assaulted in 1989 belonged to one of his victims.

The ages of those who were killed in the apartment ranged from 14 to 33. Nine were black, one Laotian, and one white, according to the police.

What Happened Between Jeffery Dahmer and Curtis Durrell Straughter?

Straughter was allegedly lured to Dahmer’s flat by the assurance of sexual activity and money in exchange for posing for nude photos.

Following the administration of narcotics by Dahmer, Straughter had his hands chained behind his back and was strangled with a leather strap. Then, while capturing each step on camera, he dissected Straughter, keeping only his hands, genitalia, and head.

Straughter was Dahmer’s 10th murder victim and throughout the trial, Dorothy Straughter, Curtis Durrell Straughter’s mother, delivered a victim impact statement in which she bemoaned the fact that what had transpired would prevent her from seeing her adolescent son.

After the trial, Jeffrey was moved to the Columbia Correctional Institution in Portage, Wisconsin. He allegedly adjusted to life in jail nicely.

On September 8, 1986, it was discovered that Dahmer had been masturbating in front of two boys who were 12 years old while he stood close to the Kinnickinnic River. He was then taken into custody on charges of indecent and lascivious behavior.

He initially said he had just been urinating when he discovered there were witnesses, but he soon admitted the crime. The allegation was amended to disorderly conduct on March 10, 1987, and Dahmer was sentenced to a year of probation with the additional requirement that he attend treatment.
