Ahhhh!  Nice to be home, in the house, out of the wind and cold.  Temps have been dropping all day.  Our high of 61 must have been right after midnight.  The rain hasn't made it in totally in our area yet, Joe, but it is coming.  They have had some storms to the southeast of us, heading northeast.  But what will be here in the next little bit (?) is coming from the northwest and the west. 

Here is our menu for tonight:

Beef tips w/noodles, scalloped potatoes, garden salad or slaw;

Fried chicken w/your choice of mashed taters and milk gravy, green beans or broccoli w/butter sauce, choice of dinner rolls, homemade buttermilk biscuits or cornbread.

Produce went fairly well this morning, except, since we went inside the gym today, most of the people didn't know how to act, and forgot to follow the rules in getting their bags of produce:  potatoes, purple onions, strawberry milk, apples, choice of slaw mix or salad, and zucchini squash.

Hope you all have had a good day, will have a good evening, and take care.
