Who is Tony Thornton, Below Decks latest charter guest? Tue 11 January 2022 17:00 Updated

After last night’s episode (Monday January 10th) of Below Deck, fans have been left wanting to know more about the primary charter guest, Tony Thornton.

Tony made his debut on Below Deck Season 9, episode 11, where he was joined by his wife, Porchia and their close friends. We found out all about his background…

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Who is Tony Thornton?

Fellow man of the sea, Tony, is a retired Naval Officer. He served his country in the Navy during his younger years and is now the founder and CEO of the global tech company, ‘Just One Technology’.

According to Facebook, Tony married his loving wife Porchia 5 years ago. They live together in the high-end area of Potomac, Maryland.

Though Tony is the CEO of a highly successful company he also enjoys the lighter side of life. He is a huge sports fan, attending PGA Masters and watching courtside at the Washington Wizard’s basketball games.

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What happened in last night’s episode?

Tony’s charter started incredibly well, as a fellow man of the sea and ex-Navy Officer, he was welcomed with open arms.

Before he stepped onto the boat he asked Captain Lee for permission to do so, as well as saluting him when he came aboard. Captain Lee appreciated this and appeared shocked and delighted at the same time.

However, the charter wasn’t all plain sailing, if you’ll pardon the pun. Later in the episode then guests had to make a complaint to lead stewardess Heather Chase, as their food contained shellfish. Something they had specially mentioned they did not eat on their preference sheet.

Aside from the minor errors, from the episode, we can see Tony’s charter was going pretty well but we will have to wait for next week to see if they get a decent tip or not.

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Who were the other guests onboard?

Joining them on their charter were fellow retired navy vets and close friends of Tony, Darion, Claudia, Pete and Melissa.

These were fellow married couples however, Tony was also joined by his other friends, Jermon and Denise, who were described on the show as also working in the technology sector.

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