Journalist Wolf Blitzer has been the lead anchor for CNN’s election coverage since 2004. What’s his personal political affiliation?

In addition to having one of the most hardcore names in journalism, Wolf Blitzer also has roughly five decades of experience covering the news both in the U.S. and internationally. He first got started in journalism in the Tel Aviv bureau for Reuters way back in the ‘70s, made the move to CNN in 1990, and has since become a true CNN staple, both anchoring his own show and appearing on others pretty much constantly. Honestly, we’re not sure when the guy sleeps.
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Since 2004, Wolf has been CNN’s go-to anchor for election coverage and he’ll once again be taking up that mantle for the 2020 election. Naturally, people can’t help but wonder about his own political party. Here’s what we know.
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What is Wolf Blitzer’s political party?
In an ideal world, journalists are able to keep their own political opinions relatively private in order to report the news without betraying any bias for one main party or the other. Of course, as more and more networks continue to prioritize commentary over simply reporting the news, this has become increasingly challenging for many journalists.
CNN itself certainly skews left-of-center when it comes to reporting the news, so it’s easy to assume that everyone working there — including Wolf — also falls on the liberal end of the spectrum. While that may certainly be the case, he doesn’t appear to wear his political affiliation on his sleeve. A quick glance through his recent tweets shows Wolf encouraging people to vote without appearing to push for one candidate over another. “It’s so important [to vote], irrespective of your politics,” he tweeted on Oct. 14.
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It’s also worth noting that throughout his decades-long career he has drawn both ire and favor from people on both sides of the political aisle. When Democratic Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi appeared on The Situation Room, things got heated after Wolf pressed her on why she wouldn’t accept a $1.8 trillion coronavirus stimulus package offered by Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin. Pelosi fought back, claiming Wolf “always [acts as] an apologist [...] for the Republican position.”
With only 20 days until the U.S. election on Nov. 3 and with millions of Americans already voting, I closed the @CNNSitRoom tonight with an appeal to Americans to vote. It’s so important irrespective of your politics.
— Wolf Blitzer (@wolfblitzer) October 15, 2020Article continues below advertisement
At the same time, some Republicans have been outspoken about their respect for the journalist, while others clearly don’t hold him in very high regard. That’s likely to continue as Wolf tends to favor actual facts and the opinions of medical professionals over politicians. It’s clear from Wolf’s commentary — both on his show and on Twitter — that he’s no fan of how Trump has handled (or not handled, rather) the coronavirus pandemic.
It’s certainly no secret that Donald Trump himself is also not a fan of CNN in general. He has consistently referred to the network as “fake news” for years now, and who could forget that time he tweeted the wrestling GIF of him tackling the network?
Still, despite Wolf's personal feelings toward Donald Trump or the Republican party at large, he is undoubtedly capable of reporting on the election and everything that happens afterward, just as he has done throughout the past several elections.