How does Karana feel about the white men who come to the island at the end of the novel?

When the white men come to the island in chapter twenty-eight, Karana thinks of her ancestors and all of the happy days she spent on the island before she decides to leave. Though she thinks for only a moment, her hesitation is significant.

What happens to Karana at the end of the novel?

Two more years pass and Karana finally gets her happy ending. A ship full of white men arrive on the island. Though Karana doesn't speak their language, she understands that they will take her to safety. She packs up her pet birds and Rontu-Aru, and she leaves for the mainland.

Why was Karana hesitant about returning to the island?

Though Karana is alone, she still acts like a member of her tribe, and the traditions of her people still affect her. Even though she needs weapons to defend herself from the wild dogs, she is reluctant to make them, because the laws of her tribe forbid it.

What happened in chapter 29 the island of the Blue Dolphin?

We learn that after Karana reaches Mission Santa Barbara on the mainland, she finds out that the ship carrying her people sank. No wonder the ship never returned to rescue her. On the tenth day, the ship leaves the island with Karana, Rontu-Aru, the birds, and the men.

What did Karana take with her when she went to meet the white man?

Karana sees three men set up camp on the shore. Karana decides to meet them and she prepares to leave the island. She puts on her otter cape, cormorant skin dress, and black stone necklace.

Island of the Blue Dolphins by Scott O'Dell (Book Summary and Review) - Minute Book Report

How did Karana feel after she returned to the island?

How did Karana feel when she finally reached the island? She felt tired, relieved, happy and mad. Karana left the island because she could not bear to live there alone another day; yet when she returned she felt happy.

Is Island of the Blue Dolphins real?

Island of the Blue Dolphins is a work of historical fiction based on the life of an American Indian woman who spent 18 years in isolation on San Nicolas Island, one of eight Channel Islands off the coast of Southern California.

What happened in chapter 28 of Island of the Blue Dolphins?

The huge waves destroy Karana's canoe and those she had stored under the cliffs. Karana looks among the wreckage left by the waves to find wood to build a new canoe. She retrieves parts of canoes washed ashore and collects enough wood to make a new vessel.

What happens in chapter 27 of Island of the Blue Dolphins?

Karana soon sees a huge wave (tsunami) coming towards the island, and she runs to escape by climbing a cliff. She climbs as high as she can but is soaked by a second, larger ocean wave. Once the water retreats, Karana leaves the cliff for the safety of her shelter.

How old is Karana in Island of the Blue Dolphins?

Karana, only 12 years old at the book's beginning, turns out to be adept at hunting, building and tool-making, and quickly becomes a strong, capable young woman surviving in an unforgiving wilderness.

Why does Karana decide to go back to the Island of the Blue Dolphins after she tries to leave on a canoe How does she feel upon her return?

Seeing that the planks of the canoe are weak, Karana knows that she must turn back. She is reluctant to do so, however, because the island to which she must return is so lonely and desolate. As water again starts to leak into the canoe, she turns and heads back.

What happens in chapter 16 of Island of the Blue Dolphins?

Chapter 16 of Island of the Blue Dolphins covers a lot of ground -- almost an entire year. Karana finds a hiding place in case the Aleuts come back to the island, finds and repairs a canoe to be seaworthy, and eventually finds the best cave on the island.

How does Karana change over the course of the story?

Living alone on Ghalas-at tests her resilience, and as the story progresses, Karana grows through her experiences into harmony with herself and the world around her. On of the most important things Karana finds on her island is a capacity for understanding and forgiveness.

Who dies in Island of the Blue Dolphins?

Rontu, in Island of the Blue Dolphins, dies next to Karana after leaving her to return to his former cave home, and becoming too weak to return to...

What is the summary for Island of the Blue Dolphins?

This book is a true story about a 12 year old girl called Karana who is stranded on an island and has to work out how to survive. Her main enemies on the island are the wild dogs and she lives in fear of the Aleuts (a tribe who arrive on the island to hunt seals).

What happens in chapter 25 of island of the Blue Dolphins?

By Scott O'Dell

The Aleuts never return to the island and the otters start to migrate to Tall Rock during the summer. Eventually, even the otters stop their migration, which is when Karana knows that there are no otters left that remember the Aleuts.

What happened in island of the Blue Dolphins Chapter 26?

In Chapter 26 of ''Island of the Blue Dolphins'', Karana mourns the loss of her beloved Rontu. To ease her loss, she attempts different ways of capturing a new companion.

What does Karana do with Rontu after he dies?

Karana puts Rontu down, but he does not want to chase the birds. Soon afterward, he is dead. Karana buries him on the headland, covering his grave with colored pebbles and a stick he liked to chase.

How many chapters is Island of the Blue Dolphins?

24. Island of the Blue Dolphins Chapter 24.

What caused Karana to miss being rescued by this ship?

What caused her to miss being rescued by this ship? She took too long to meet the men to tried to rescued her. What had happened to the ship that took the other people from Karana's Island many years before?

How does Karana come to be on the Island of the Blue Dolphins all alone?

Karana is Alone

Karana has been alone on the island for many years after she jumped off the ship that took her people to the mainland after realizing her brother had missed the same boat. A few days later, her brother is killed by wild dogs, and she is left alone on the island.

Who is Karana in real life?

Some have called her “Karana.” Others “Juana Maria.” Still others, simply, “The Lone Woman.” Yet her true name remains unknown. She is one of the nameless, faceless women of history, and she belongs to the California of my youth. Many versions of her story exist.

Why was Juana Maria removed?

Why was she left behind? There is no definitive answer. One story claims that she was absent from the group as they were being evacuated because she was out looking for her missing two-year-old child. Another story imagines Juana Maria jumping off the boat, believing that her little brother was still on the island.
