Patrick Roy, the former goalie in the National Hockey League (NHL) for Colorado Avalanche, married Michele Piuze on June 9, 1990, but sadly, their relationship lasted only for 13 years. The couple has three children, Jonathan, Frederick and Jana.
After a tragic occurrence in 2003, their relationship took a turbulent turn. Roy was arrested in Greenwood Village, Colorado, with charges of domestic violence just a short time after breaking the goaltender's lifetime win record in the NHL.
During the confrontation, Roy allegedly removed two doors from their hinges in their shared home during a heated dispute over in-law issues. Despite being lucky enough to avoid physical damage, Michele Piuze expressed genuine concern about her husband's behavior and feared for her safety.
Law enforcement officials established that the player's home sustained considerable physical harm due to the conflict. Patrick Roy was consequently detained and put under arrest. The seriousness of the argument worsened to the point where Michele felt she needed to dial 911.
Patrick Roy was taken to the Arapahoe County Jail, according to the local police department's dispatcher, but he was later freed after paying a $750 bail.
The case was dismissed, according to the judge presiding over it, who reasoned that the accusations did not satisfy the minimal requirements for misdemeanor criminal mischief in the context of domestic abuse. Patrick Roy and Michele Piuze reached a divorce agreement in 2003.
Roy's eldest son, Jonathan Roy, and his youngest son, Frederick Roy, played with the Quebec Remparts junior ice hockey team while Roy served as the team's head coach.
Roy had a distinguished career highlighted by his outstanding dominance throughout the course of all 18 seasons. The hockey legend and coach was the one to play a crucial role in popularizing the butterfly method. Unfortunately, his endeavors were not as successful as his professional ones.
Patrick Roy’s fight with Osgood in the rink
One of the most infamous goaltender fights in NHL history occurred in 1998 between Roy and Chris Osgood. The altercation occurred amid a heated rivalry between the Colorado Avalanche and the Detroit Red Wings, which only increased the intensity of the conflict. This duel between the two renowned goalies turned out to be a perfect storm, enthralling spectators and cementing its position in NHL history.
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