Dan Maurer Dies Due to Heart Failure, Obituary and Funeral

Dan Maurer, a guy from Battle Creek, Michigan, who had an 80-pound mass in his scrotum known as scrotal lymphedema that required 14 hours of surgery to remove, was diagnosed with the condition in his early 20s.

As per the inference from the Dailymail website, Doctors advised him to decrease weight, but it continued to grow against their advice.

Then when he got to know about a Tv program, where a man was suffering from the same cause of his condition, he decided to get a consultation with Dr Joel Gelman in California said that this huge disturbing weight can be removed by undergoing a 14-hour operation surgery.

Read further to know more about his current health condition.

Is Dan Maurer Still Alive?

The actual answer behind Dan Maurer being still alive is not known properly.

People who have watched the show are keen in knowing about the man who was starred with a rare disease named scrotal lymphedema for about seven years.

As per the information collected from the Dailymail Co UK website, However, Dan Maurer of Battle Creek, Michigan is finally on the path to recovery after a grueling 14-hour operation in which doctors were able to properly remove the enormous lump. In addition, Mr. Maurer has been able to resume “marital intercourse” with his wife of 20 years, Mindy, after a seven-year break.

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