Sen. Ernie Chambers Biography, Jacklyn Adele, Quotes, Chambers U.S. flag

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Sen. Ernie Chambers Biography

Sen. Ernie Chambers is an American politician who represents North Omaha’s 11th District in the Nebraska State Legislature.

He is the longest-serving state senator in the history of Nebraska. He is the only African-American to have run for governor and the US Senate in Nebraska’s history.

Sen. Ernie Chambers Age

Sen. Ernest Chambers was born as Ernest William Chambers on 10 July 1937 Near North Side, Omaha. He is 81 years old as of 2018.

Sen. Ernie Chambers Family

He was born in the Near North Side neighborhood of Omaha, Nebraska to Malcolm and mother Lillian Chambers. Malcolm Chambers was a local minister and his family originally comes from Mississippi. Lillian Chambers’family originally comes from Louisiana. He has six siblings who were all born in Omaha.

Sen. Ernie Chambers Spouse|Sen. Ernie Chambers Kids

From January 31, 1940 – July 15, 2000 he was married to Jacklyn Adele Chambers. The couple had had 4 children Gayla, Mark, Ernie, and David before they divorced.

Sen. Ernie Chambers Education

In 1955, Chambers graduated from Omaha Tech High School. In 1959, he graduated from Creighton University with a B.A. in history, with minors in Spanish and philosophy. He attended Creighton University School of Law in the early 1960s and completed his degree in 1979.

He refused to join the Nebraska State Bar Association, so was unable to practice law; in 2015, he explained his refusal on the grounds that he had earned the right to practice by passing law school, and should not have to pay the Bar Association dues as well.

Sen. Ernie Chambers Net Worth

This information is known only by the same person or the tax service. We have the following information from our readers, it can be false and untruthful. He has an estimated net worth of $15’000’000. *This information was provided by Meris Sherry, 23 years old. From Gratis, Ohio

Sen. Ernie Chambers Quotes

America is basically a hypocritical society and recognizes that hypocrisy is found throughout. The public doesn’t look for politicians to tell the truth or to deliver on their promises. This country could become America the beautiful, but it never will. It’s in the hands of the wrong people. And the public is so apathetic. Those who are not apathetic are dispirited, discouraged, and disheartened. Those who will sometimes feel a twitch of inspiration that would lead them to do something, they, based on their conditioning, will start to total up all the reasons why they can’t succeed.

The Mafia has higher standards than the Catholic Church hierachy because if their members were “raping children, they’d off them.”

I often quote Hitler, who said words to the effect of, “Rulers are fortunate that the people do not think.” Politicians know this. Even when the public seems to be upset, the politicians know if they can put on a brave face and ride it out, they generally will.

Martin Luther King really was a safety valve for white people. Any time it appeared that the black community was on the verge of really doing what we ought to do based on having been attacked, they put Martin Luther King on television. He was always saying, “We must use nonviolence. We must overcome hate with love.” White people loved that. That’s why they gave him a Nobel Prize. But when Martin Luther King started condemning the Vietnam War, that’s when white people turned against him.

I’m often at odds with my colleagues, but I’ve managed to get legislation passed which will not even be attempted in other states. Rather than use the word “cooperate,” I’ll say there’s kind of a peaceful coexistence, a wary watching of each other. I’m very courteous and polite, and people allow me to be. Some people have applied the term charming to me. I don’t use that term unless I’m the snake charmer and they’re the snake.

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Sen. Ernie Chambers News|Sen. Ernie U.S. flag

Published on  Friday, February 22, 2019

A bill on the better history instruction for young Nebraskans has highlighted a fierce divide between state Sens. Ernie Chambers, an independent, and Tom Brewer, a Republican.

Mr. Chambers made headlines earlier this week when speaking on LB 399, which aims ways to cultivate “competent, responsible, patriotic, and civil American citizens” in the Cornhusker State.

“Senator Groene wants to talk about the meaning of respect,” Mr. Chambers said Tuesday. “What do white people mean by it and what do black people mean by it? White people mean we’ve gotta bow down to what they tell us as black people to bow down to. I don’t come here for this rag every day, and it’s a rag. That’s all it is to me. When you show a way to persuade Jews to sanctify and worship the swastika — when you show me that I’ll come up here and stand while you all hypocritically pretend that rag is something that it definitely is not.”

Mr. Brewer, spent over 30 years in the military, was incredulous in his response Wednesday while holding back tears.

“It rips our heart out to hear someone say that they refer to the flag as a rag because for those of us that have brought home, those that we’ve lost, it’s hard to refer to the flag as a rag because you have to fold it and you have to give it to the parents — that’s awful hard to do,” he said, a local CBS affiliate reported.

State Sen. Julie Slama, the lawmaker responsible for introducing the bill, echoed Mr. Brewer’s sentiment.

“Sen. Chambers‘ comments not only degrade a symbol of ultimate sacrifice for our nation, but they also minimize the horrors and millions of lives lost in the Holocaust,” the Republican said, Fox News reported.Lawmakers who debated the bill for hours this week may revisit the issue Friday if they can gather enough votes to overcome a filibuster, the station reported.

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