Doc Shaw has been up to a lot since the final episode of "House of Payne" season eight premiered in 2012. From a lifestyle change to landing a Disney role, here's a look at his life so far!
Doc Shaw is most known as Malik from Tyler Perry's 2007 sitcom "House of Payne." There, he warmed his way into the hearts of many.
But in the years that followed the end of the show, details about Shaw's life became unclear, leaving fans wondering what he has been up to. Read on to find out!

Larramie Doc Shaw attends the "For Colored Girls" screening at Regal Atlantic Station on November 1, 2010. | Photo: Getty Images
Fans of "House of Payne" will remember that Shaw was on the chubby side during his time on the show. Now, not only is the actor all grown up, but he has also shed some weight.
During an appearance on NBC's "6 in the Mix" in 2014, Shaw revealed that he lost about 60 pounds in the space of one year and a half.
The actor admitted that the life-changing decision to lose weight was triggered by his family's history with diabetes and other weight-related health issues.
The actor was also a victim of bullying, another thing that inspired him to get on the fitness journey. Today, he has a fit body to show for it.
For Shaw, losing weight meant changing his diet to include fresh fruit juice, spending less time playing video games, and engaging in more physical activities.
Not only did Shaw lose weight, but he also attained an overall healthier lifestyle, and now, he is helping parents and youths recognize the need to fight child obesity.
On the show, fans got to see Shaw in a magical element, but still, it was not enough to rival his performance on "House of Payne."
While speaking to a group in 2019, Shaw encouraged youths to take advantage of the internet and utilize it in their quest for a healthier lifestyle.
The actor explained that he never had to spend money hiring a personal trainer because he learned most of his workouts on YouTube. Many of his diet recipes also came from there.
While Shaw struggled with self-confidence as a child, now, he is more confident than ever and even better; he is hell-bent on helping others achieve it too.
In 2010, Shaw was once again brought to television screens when he starred alongside actor Mitchell Musso in the Disney series "Pair Of Kings."
The two actors portrayed fraternal twins, Boomer and Brady, who suddenly found out that they are heirs to the throne on the Island of Kinkou.
Speaking about his character on the show, Shaw described Boomer as an outspoken and fun-loving person who just wanted to have a good time.
Shortly before "Pair of Kings" was released, Shaw and Musso gave fans a glimpse of just how fun their characters were in a red carpet interview with Clevver Tv.
On the show, fans got to see Shaw in a magical element, but still, it was not enough to rival his performance on "House of Payne."
It was, therefore, fantastic news when producers of the show announced that "House of Payne" was returning for a ninth season. Fans could finally get to see Malik back on screen!
The first episode of "House of Payne" premiered in 2007, and for eight seasons, the cast and crew gave television lovers something to look forward to.
After the eighth season, producers brought back the show with a spinoff, "The Paynes," which had 38 episodes in total. Yet, fans wanted more.
The show was soon renewed for a ninth season, and even better, fans got to catch up on season eight on BET. Talk about a full Payne experience.