Elizabeth Mitchell Nose Job Plastic Surgery Before and After

[ads1 id=”alignright”]Having seen her perform astonishingly lately in ‘Lost’ and ‘Revolution’, we can safely say that Elizabeth Mitchell‘s acting is top notch to say the least.

However, it was only natural for an actress of her talent to receive her fair share of plastic surgery allegations, especially considering her age.

Some say that Elizabeth Mitchell looks somehow different as of lately, and it’s not just because of aging or her makeup routine.

Rumor has it that Elizabeth Mitchell had a nose job at some point, seeing how the shape of her nose seems to have changed over the years.

When looking at older pictures of Elizabeth Mitchell, we see that she used to have a slightly curved nose, unlike nowadays when her nose looks straight, slim, and a bit pointy.

Elizabeth Mitchell Nose Job Plastic Surgery Before and After

Elizabeth Mitchell Nose Job Plastic Surgery Before and After

Questioned about it, famous plastic surgeon Dr. Paul Nassif said that Elizabeth Mitchell’s nose looks very ‘unnatural’ as of lately, compared with how it used to look in pictures of her younger self.

Her new, smaller nose, also seems to have disturbed older fans of the actress, fans who took a liking to her back when she used to have a much wider nose.

They say that her old nose had its own charm, and that her new one seems too ‘plastic’ for their taste. Then again, we’re pretty sure she didn’t have the procedure with anybody but herself in mind.

All things considered, it does seem that Elizabeth Mitchell had a nose job a few years ago, and truth be told, her new nose seems to fit her face much better than her old one.
