League of Legends Update 13.20 is now live, bringing the much-needed K'Sante rework, some heavy-hitting changes to the jungle, and various game-wide changes to battle snowballing.
League of Legends Patch 13.20
Patch 13.20 includes three different projects that have been in the works for quite some time, according to various League of Legends development team members.
The K'Sante changes aim to keep his current identity intact and reduce his over-picking issue in professional play.
The second thing is the changes to the jungle role, which becomes an overall nerf. The focus for these nerfs is “things junglers don't care as much about” so the fun of the role would not be impacted as much.
“We're trying to still keep the fun things about the role intact while focusing on trimming power and complexity from the role that hopefully junglers don't mind being trimmed. They will still feel it to some extent, but jungle is quite an overpowered role on Live and we feel like we need to act,” said Lead Gameplay Designer Matt “Riot Phroxzon” Leung-Harrison. “We're increasing jungle monster durability by quite a bit, but also increasing jungle item damage to monsters, to reduce the amount that camps are poached and also to slow down clears a bit in the early-midgame past the first clear.”
The final project that will ship in this patch is the Snowball Reduction. Mostly, this will roll back the changes and optimizations that Dragons have received since Patch 12.14. The value of early dragons is being reduced but the Dragon Soul should still have most of its power as a win condition intact. Runes, the Rift Herald, Death Timers, and Turret Plates are also receiving minor changes to combat snowballing.
For cosmetics, the Jax visual update is in this patch, as well as the Coven skins for Akali, Elise, Nami, and Nilah with Old God Mordekaiser. Redeemed Star Guardian Rakan and Xayah, Neo Pax Jax, and Worlds 2023 Renekton also make their debut.
League of Legends 13.20 Patch Notes
K'Sante Rework
Base Stats
- Base Health: 610 >>> 570
- Health Growth: 108 >>> 115
- Armor Growth: 4.7 >>> 5.2
Passive – Dauntless Instinct
- All Out Bonus Damage: 35% (+20% per 100 bonus armor) (+20% per 100 bonus magic resistance) >>> 35%
Q – Ntofo Strikes
- NEW: Recasting K'Sante's third Q will now disable Flash during its windup
- NEW: Shift-Tooltip now shows your progress on the Armor/MR and HP for cooldown and cast time
- Physical Damage: 50/75/100/125/150 (+40% AD) (+30% bonus armor) (+30% bonus magic resistance) >>> 30/60/90/120/150 (+40% AD) (+30% bonus armor) (+30% bonus magic resistance)
W – Path Maker
- Mana Cost: 75/80/85/90/95 >>> 60/65/70/75/80
- Minimum Channel Time: 0.65 seconds (Note: Maximum channel time is unchanged at 1 second)
- Maximum Damage: Path Maker's damage, crowd control, dash distance, and all other outputs will no longer be tied to the ability's charge time
- Damage Reduction: 25% (+10% per 100 bonus armor) (+10% per 100 bonus magic resistance) (+1% per 100 bonus health) >>> 40-65% (based on champion level)
- Stun Duration:0.3/0.35/0.4/0.45/0.5 – 0.85/0.95/1.05/1.15/1.25 seconds >>> 1.25 seconds
- Damage: 2/2.25/2.5/2.75/3 – 7/7.25/7.5/7.75/8% of target's maximum health >>> 20/40/60/80/100 (+50% total AD) (+30% bonus armor) (+30% bonus magic resistance) (+6/7/8/9/10% of target's maximum health)
W – Path Maker (All Out Version)
- Minimum Channel Time: 0.5 seconds (Note: Maximum channel time is unchanged at 1 second)
- Maximum Damage: Path Maker's damage, crowd control, dash distance, and all other outputs will now always deal the maximum corresponding values and will no longer be tied to the ability's charge time
- Damage Reduction: 30% (+12% per 100 bonus armor) (+12% per 100 bonus magic resistance) (+1.2% per 100 bonus health) >>> 50-75% (based on champion level)
- REMOVED: While All Out, Path Maker will no longer deal extra damage (aside from the bonus AD provided upon entering All Out)
- Cooldown: 24/22/20/18/16 seconds >>> 18/16.5/15/13.5/12 seconds
R – All Out
- Maximum Health Threshold: 55% >>> 65%
- Knockback Distance: 350 >>> 300
- Damage on Initial Cast: 35/70/105 (+ 20% AD) physical damage >>> 70/110/150 (+65% AP) magic damage
- Damage on Successful Wall Slam: 150/250/350 physical damage >>> 70/110/150 (+65% AP) magic damage
- Attack Resets: Attack reset timing has been slowed down to match K'Sante's base form
- NEW: Casting All Out will now reset Q – Ntofo Strikes' current stacks
- Bonus Attack Damage Gained: 5 (+32.5% bonus armor) (+32.5% bonus magic resistance) >>> 15/30/45 (+25% bonus armor) (+25% bonus magic resistance)
- Healing: 10% (+0.75% per 100 bonus health) omnivamp >>> 10/15/20% healing on all damage versus champions
- NEW: K'Sante now gains 25/35/45% bonus attack speed when All Out
League of Legends 13.20 Champion Changes
- Q – Avengerang
- Bonus Movement Speed: 40% >>> 20/25/30/35/40%
- E – Heroic Swing
- Damage per Shot: 30/45/60/75/90 (+17.5% bonus AD) (1 + 0.3 per 100% bonus attack speed) >>> 25/40/55/70/85 (+17.5% bonus AD) (1 + 0.3 per 100% bonus attack speed)
- Passive – Death In Lavender
- Bonus Attack Speed After Spell Cast: 25-50% (scales linearly based on level) >>> 20-40% (scales using stat progression multiplier)
- E – Royal Maelstrom
- NEW: Damage from Bel'Veth's E can now critically strike.
- Damage Reduction: 70% >>> 42/49/56/63/70%
Minimum Physical Damage: 8/10/12/14/16 (+6% AD) >>> 6/7/8/9/10 (+8% AD) - Minimum On Hit Damage: 6% >>> 8%
- R – Endless Banquet
- Remora Health: 40/50/60% of minion's maximum health >>> 20/45/70% of minion's maximum health
- True Form Out-of-Combat Movement Speed: 25/50/75 >>> 10/45/80
- W – Shield of Durand
- Cooldown: 18/17.5/17/16.5/16 seconds >>> 18/17/16/15/14 seconds
- Shield Out-of-Combat Timer: 12 seconds >>> 12/11/8 seconds (levels 1/6/11)
- Base Stats
- Health Growth: 100 >>> 105
- Passive – Get Excited!
- NEW: The 25% bonus total attack speed gained from Get Excited! on takedowns now stacks.
- R – Super Mega Death Rocket!
- Cooldown: 75/65/55 seconds >>> 70/60/50 seconds
- Minimum Damage: 30/45/60 (+15% bonus AD) (+25/30/35% of target's missing health) >>> 32.5/47.5/62.5 (+16.5% bonus AD) (+25/30/35% of target's missing health)
- Maximum Damage: 300/450/600 (+150% bonus AD) (+25/30/35% of target's missing health) >>> 325/475/625 (+165% bonus AD) (+25/30/35% of target's missing health)
- Base Stats
- Armor: 28 >>> 25
- Passive – Fired Up
- On Fire: Burn damage now counts as Milio's damage even when applied through allies, allowing it to interact with a select number of items like Chemtech Putrifier. Burn damage will still grant the ally who applied the debuff the kill, preventing Milio from accidentally kill stealing confirming kills.
- E – Warm Hugs
- Cooldown: 18/17/16/15/14 seconds >>> 17/16/15/14/13 seconds
Shield Strength: 60/85/110/135/160 (+30% AP) >>> 60/90/120/150/180 (+30% AP)
- Cooldown: 18/17/16/15/14 seconds >>> 17/16/15/14/13 seconds
- R – Breath Of Life
- Healing: 150/250/350 (+30% AP) >>> 150/250/350 (+50% AP)
- W – Tormented Shadow
- Magic Damage per Second: 12/22/32/42/52 (+14% AP) >>> 12/22/32/42/52 (+17% AP)
- Monster Damage Modifier: 155% >>> 165%
- E – Black Shield
- Cooldown: 24/22/20/18/16 seconds >>> 26/23.5/21/18.5/16 seconds
- R – Soul Shackles
- Bonus Movement Speed: 5/30/55% while facing towards tethered enemies >>> 10/35/60% in all directions
- Stun Duration: 1.5 seconds at all ranks >>> 1.5/1.75/2 seconds
- Magic Damage: 150/225/300 (+70% AP) >>> 175/250/325 (+80% AP) (Note: this will still hit twice, once upon initial cast and a second time when the tether stuns)
- Base Stats
- Base Health: 603 >>> 565
- Movement Speed: 335 >>> 330
- Attack Damage Growth: 2.4 >>> 2.7
- W – Living Shadow
- Cooldown: 20/18.5/17/15.5/14 seconds >>> 20/19.25/18.5/17.75/17 seconds
- Q – Bouncing Bomb
- Explosion Hitbox: 150 >>> 180
League of Legends 13.20 Item Changes
Blighting Jewel
- Total Price: 1250 gold >>> 1100 gold
Duskblade of Draktharr
- Ability Haste: 20 >>> 15
- Damage Amplification: 0-18% (at 0-70% missing health) >>> 0-16% (at 0-70% missing health)
Lord Dominik's Regards
- Giant Slayer Passive: 0-25% increased Physical and Magic damage against targets with more maximum health than the user (maximum at 2500 more) >>> 0-22% increased Physical and Magic damage against targets with more maximum health than the user (maximum at 2500 more)
- Updated Math: Passive – Giant Slayer now applies before Shields and Lifesteal are calculated
Youmuu's Ghostblade
- Spectral Shard Lethality: 3-12 (level 7-18) >>> 7-18 (level 7-18)
League of Legends 13.20 Jungle Changes
- Damage to Champions/Pets: 20-160 (levels 1-18) >>> 40 at all levels
- Smite now has 350 units of targeting forgiveness against Epic Monsters. This means if your cursor is near their model but not on top of another valid target it will act as though you are targeting them.
- Damage Type: Spell >>> Proc (Note: this means that Smite will no longer trigger on-spell effects like Demonic Embrace, similar to Ignite)
- Primal Smite AoE Damage when Smiting Monsters: 50% of Smite's damage >>> 100% of Smite's damage
Jungle Companions
- REMOVED: Junglers with Primal Smite no longer take 20% less damage from epic monsters when two or more allies are nearby
- Gustwalker Movement Speed: While in a brush, gain 45% bonus movement speed, decaying over 2 seconds after leaving the brush. Killing a large monster increases this effect to 60% for 2 seconds >>> While in a brush, gain 30% bonus movement speed, decaying over 2 seconds after leaving the brush. Killing a large monster increases this effect to 45% for 2 seconds
- Mosstomper Shield: 60-281 (levels 1-18) >>> 180-300 (levels 10-18)
- REMOVED: Mosstomper will no longer grant the user tenacity or slow resistance
- Scorchclaw Damage Type Requirement: Any damage >>> Attacks and Spells (Note: this means that Smite will no longer trigger Scorchclaw's slow and burn)
Rift Scuttler
- Health: 1550-3202.5 (levels 1-18, linear scaling) >>> 1550-5580 (levels 1-18, non-linear scaling)
- Gold Given: 55-99 (levels 1-9, linear scaling) >>> 55-126.5 (levels 1-18, non-linear scaling)
- Experience Given: 20-180 (levels 1-9, linear scaling) >>> 20-230 (levels 1-18, non-linear scaling)
Other Changes
- Lane Minion Experience, Anti-Poaching Adjustments, and a lot more go live on this patch.
Starter Item Changes
All champions may now only buy one Doran's item.
Doran's Blade
- Attack Damage: 8 >>> 10
- Health: 80 >>> 100
Doran's Ring
- Ability Power: 15 >>> 18
- Health:70 >>> 90
Doran's Shield
- Health: 80 >>> 110
- Regeneration when Damage: 0-40 health over 8 seconds >>> 0-45 over 8 seconds (Note: maximum is unchanged at 25% remaining health)
Dark Seal
- Stack Friendly: Dark Seal is not unique with other Doran's items, so feel free to pick both up
- Health: 40 >>> 50
Relic Shield
- Ability Power: 5 >>> 7
- Health: 30 >>> 50
Steel Shoulderguards
- Attack Damage: 3 >>> 4
- Health: 30 >>> 50
Spectral Sickle
- Attack Damage: 5 >>> 6
- Health: 10 >>> 25
Spellthief's Edge
- Ability Power: 8 >>> 10
- Health: 10 >>> 25
Snowballing Changes
- Cloud Drake: 7% slow resistance and out-of-combat movement speed >>> 5% slow resistance and out-of-combat movement speed
- Hextech Drake: 7.5 ability haste and 7.5% bonus attack speed >>> 5 ability haste and 5% bonus attack speed
- Infernal Drake: 5% attack damage and ability power >>> 3% attack damage and ability power
- Mountain Drake: 8% bonus armor and magic resistance >>> 5% bonus armor and magic resistance
- Ocean Drake: restore 2.5% missing health every 5 seconds >>> restore 2% missing health every 5 seconds
Dragon Soul
- Cloud Drake: 15% bonus movement speed >>> 20% bonus movement speed
- Hextech Drake: 40% base slow (30% for ranged champions) >>> 45% base slow (35% for ranged champions)
- Infernal Drake: 80 base adaptive damage for explosion >>> 100 base adaptive damage for explosion
- Mountain Drake: 180 base shield after not taking damage for 5 seconds >>> 220 base shield after not taking damage for 5 seconds
- Ocean Drake: 130 base heal, 80 base mana regeneration >>> 150 base heal, 100 base mana regeneration
Rift Herald
- Local Gold Given: 200 >>> 100
Baron Nashor
- Base Health: 12600 >>> 15000 (Note: health scaling of +180 health per minute is unchanged)
Death Timers
- Level 1 Death Timer: 6 seconds >>> 6 seconds (unchanged)
- Level 2 Death Timer: 8 seconds >>> 6 seconds
- Level 3 Death Timer: 10 seconds >>> 8 seconds
- Level 4 Death Timer: 12 seconds >>> 8 seconds
- Level 5 Death Timer: 14 seconds >>> 10 seconds
- Level 6 Death Timer: 16 seconds >>> 12 seconds
- Level 7 Death Timer: 21 seconds >>> 16 seconds
- Level 8 Death Timer: 27.5 seconds >>> 21 seconds
- Level 9 Death Timer: 30 seconds >>> 26 seconds
Rune Adjustments
- Attack Damage per Stack: 1.2-2.7 (based on level) bonus AD >>> 1.08-2.4 (based on level) bonus AD
- Ability Power per Stack: 2-4.5 (based on level) AP >>> 1.8-2.4 (based on level) AP
- Attack Damage at Maximum Stacks: 14.4-32.4 (based on level) bonus AD >>> 12.96-28.8 (based on level) bonus AD
- Ability Power at Maximum Stacks: 24-54 (based on level) bonus AP >>> 21.6-48 (based on level) bonus AP
Lethal Tempo
- Attack Speed per Stack (Melee): 10-15% >>> 9-13.5%
- Attack Speed per Stack (Ranged): 4-9% >>> 3.6-8%
- Damage: 30-180 (based on level) (+40% bonus AD) (+25% AP) >>> 30-220 (based on level) (+10% bonus AD) (+5% AP)
Dark Harvest
- Adaptive Damage: 20-60 (based on level) (+ 5 per Soul) (+25% bonus AD) (+15% AP) >>> 20-80 (based on level) (+ 5 per Soul) (+10% bonus AD) (+5% AP)
Arcane Comet
- Adaptive Damage: 30-100 (based on level) (+35% bonus AD) (+20% AP) >>> 30-130 (based on level) (+10% bonus AD) (+5% AP)
Summon Aery
- Adaptive Damage: 10-40 (based on level) (+15% bonus AD) (+10% AP) >>> 10-50 (based on level) (+10% bonus AD) (+5% AP)
- Shield: 30-75 (based on level) (+35% bonus AD) (+22.5% AP) >>> 30-100 (based on level) (+10% bonus AD) (+5% AP)
Fleet Footwork
- Heal: 10-100 (based on level) (+30% bonus AD) (+20% AP) >>> 10-130 (based on level) (+10% bonus AD) (+5% AP)
First Strike
- Bonus True Damage: 9% >>> 8%
Taste of Blood
- Healing: 16-30 (based on level) (+15% bonus AD) (+8% AP) >>> 16-40 (based on level) (+10% bonus AD) (+5% AP)
Press the Attack
- Exposed Damage: 8-12% >>> 8%
- Adaptive Force: 5-30 (based on level) >>> 13-30 (based on level)
- Movement Speed: 25 >>> 10
Other Changes
More adjustments in ARAM, Pings, and Behavioral systems can be found on the full League of Legends Update 13.20 Patch Notes.