Strange Things About Ainsley Earhardt And Sean Hannity's Relationship

Ainsley Earhardt and Sean Hannity's relationship may have been an open secret for years, but they still don't address it publicly. Well, for the most part. Earhardt couldn't contain herself when co-host Brian Kilmeade asked Hannity, who joined "Fox & Friends" to celebrate Fox News' 25th anniversary in October 2021, if he had a favorite host of the show. "Yes, he does," Earhardt interjected, slyly smiling at Kilmeade. Hannity played along, though, opting for a joke instead of confirming the obvious.

"Definitely, it's between Steve and Ainsley for sure," he quipped, referring to Steve Doocy. Hannity quickly turned the moment into an homage to the Fox News team, calling all of them "friends." Earhardt closed the segment with strong words of praise for Hannity. "If you knew what we know about him, he's the most generous person," she said. After describing some of his actions, Earhardt noted the impact Hannity has had on the network. "You're just a really good person, Sean, and you've helped all of our careers," she added.

This wasn't the first time Earhardt has publicly expressed admiration for her colleague — and, well, boyfriend. In the first statement she released to the press to deny news of the relationship, she admitted that she considered Hannity to be a great catch. "As anyone at Fox News will tell you, Sean is a wonderful person and whomever he chooses to date will be extremely fortunate," she said, as Vanity Fair reported.
