Whitewash is a lime-based chemical that will change the color of your concrete walls or flooring. You can apply whitewash to wood, brick, and other surfaces as well, and even add pigments to the mixture.Click to see full answer. Similarly, you may ask, can you lime wash concrete?Lime wash is unsuitable for drywall, but can be used on wood, brick, concrete, and other porous surfaces.Additionally, how do you whitewash with lime? Mix the whitewash. Mix 2 cups of salt with 1 gallon of warm water and stir to dissolve the salt. Add 6 to 8 cups of hydrated lime to the salt water. Mix well until the lime is dissolved. The mixture should be thinner than traditional paint. Simply so, how do you whitewash a concrete floor? If you whitewash the concrete, it will add a bit of warmth to the surface and give it an aged patina. Clean the surface of the concrete with warm water and a wire brush. Mix 8 parts mason’s hydrated lime into 1 part distilled water. Paint the whitewash onto the concrete with a paintbrush or rub it on with cheesecloth. Can I paint over exterior Limewash?Unlike most house paints that sit atop surfaces, limewash sinks in, so it’s best applied to porous surfaces, such as plaster, stone, and brick. The key is to go with a mineral-based primer–such as an acrylic primer (used often under latex paints)–that creates a surface the limewash can bond to.