Lately, many have wondered why the Acquahman Star Jason had many scars on his face. In an exclusive interview with the press, Jason made shocking revelations about his visible scars.
According to him, nearly a decade ago, a random stranger smashed a pint glass in his face, resulting in approximately 140 stitches in his face after surgery when he was rushed to the intensive care unit. Fortunately, the assailant received a five-year sentence.
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Coni Momoa Wikipedia
Coni Momoa is the biological mum of the 43-year-old Jason. When Momoa was a child, his parents divorced, forcing him and his mother who is of German descent to relocate from Hawaii to Iowa. Coni used to be a full-time photographer right from the onset.
Coni Momoa age and birthday
At the moment she is in her late 60s yet her real birth date is not documented.
Coni Momoa height
One unknown fact about Jason’s mother is her height; however, Jason is much taller than his mother.
Coni Momoa husband and children
Her ex-husband is Joseph Momoa, with whom she had the sensational American movie actor.
Coni Momoa net worth
Coni did not make much money from photography, but her son has made a fortune from acting, which she will enjoy for the rest of her life. Her son Jason is worth over $20 million dollars at the moment.