Elizabeth Danko: Who was Rick Dankos wife?

Elizabeth Danko was the wife of Canadian singer, Rick Danko.

Elizabeth Danko marriage

How long was Elizabeth Danko married to Rick Danko? How many years were Elizabeth Danko and Rick Danko married? Elizabeth Danko and Rick Danko were married for 10 years; from 1989 to 1999.

Elizabeth Danko children

Did Elizabeth Danko have any children with Rick Danko? How many children did Elizabeth Danko have with Rick Danko? Elizabeth Danko had three children with Rick Danko. The children are Eli Danko, Lisa Danko, and Justin Danko.

Elizabeth Danko profession

What was Elizabeth Danko’s profession? What did Elizabeth Danko do for a living? What did Elizabeth Danko do for work? Elizabeth Danko’s profession was not known.

Elizabeth Danko age

How old was Elizabeth Danko at the time of death? What was Elizabeth Danko’s age at the time of death? Elizabeth Danko was reportedly 70 years old at the time of death.

Elizabeth Danko death

Which year did Elizabeth Danko die? When did Elizabeth Danko die? Elizabeth Danko died in 2013.
