Bobcat Hunting Seasons. The hunting/trapping activity log and submission of the carcass within the Harvest Expansion Area is also no longer required. A hunting license is still required to pursue bobcats during the open hunting season. If you take a bobcat anywhere in New York State it must be tagged and sealed.Click to see full answer. Similarly, it is asked, can u shoot a bobcat?To kill a bobcat as a form of “wildlife management” is not only illegal in some states,being that they are a regulated game animal in most states.Subsequently, question is, are there Bobcats in upstate NY? New York State is home to the bobcat, a wild cat species seen throughout upstate New York. However, the Canada lynx is now extirpated in New York – meaning it lives in other parts of the world, but not in New York – and the eastern cougar has been declared extinct. Also Know, can I shoot a bobcat on my property? Even if there is a city code making discharge illegal, it’s STILL legal to defend your property. Your chickens are your property. If you see a raccoon, coyote, bobcat, mountain lion, the big bad wolf, Magilla Gorilla, or F’ing Godzilla himself killing your chickens, you can shoot and kill it legally.Do you have to have a tag to shoot a bobcat?Notes: Bobcat pelts must be registered or tagged. During any portion of the firearms deer season, furbearer hunters must also possess an unfilled firearms deer hunting permit.