Is TikTok user Lonzo Gambino okay? Lonzo went viral on TikTok after his odd altercation with a Karen. Read for an update on how he's doing!

Although the term has been coined to describe a white woman with a deep side part who wants to see your supervisor, Karens can come from all walks of life. Recently, a TikTok video posted by Lonzo Gambino proved that you can’t judge a Karen by her haircut.
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Lonzo Gambino went viral after his encounter with a Karen on TikTok.
Lonzo’s now-viral TikTok video sees the TikToker outside of a very agitated woman’s house. Although he and the woman appear to be standing a good 10 feet away, she seemed visibly shaken. In the on-screen text, he states that he is "just trying to do his job," so we can assume that he was at her house to perform some kind of service.
“She is on the phone with 9-1-1 right now. Look. Look at her,” he started the video.
“He said I’m rude and he just threatened me right now,” the woman told authorities in the background.
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“What threat did I make towards you ma’am?” he asked her, but he ultimately was met with silence. The woman, still on the phone, then identified herself only as Elizabeth.
“This is crazy. I already knew what it was when I first got here though,” Lonzo said.
When the video skipped ahead, the woman was in a tizzy.
“Here she is one minute later sounding distressed so the police can come quicker,” he wrote in a text-to-talk narration of the video as she cried and pleaded that the police “please” come at once. Shortly after, the woman closed her garage door while Lonzo was left dumfounded outside.
“What in the world is this? I ain’t gon' lie, I never in my life had to deal with no bulls--t like this. Never in my life,” Lonzo said.
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"Here’s a sample of what life is like being a Black man in America,” the caption read.
Under his post, TikTok users voiced their outrage. “She should be arrested for a false claim. At some point, an example should be made for non-emergency calls. It’s a waste of taxpayer money,” one TikToker wrote.
“This just pisses me off,” another wrote. “I hope the police arrested her and I hope you get an attorney and sue her a--.”
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History proves that when white women cry wolf, Black men get hurt (hence the tragic tale of Emmett Till). However, users noted that the Karen in question was a minority herself.
Since he posted the interaction on social media, Lonzo has been MIA. He’s been so quiet that everyone’s wondering if he’s okay.
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Is Lonzono Gambino okay? Here’s an update.
Although Lonzo has been tightlipped about what happened after he cut the camera, he allegedly took to the comment section and shared an update, though, his message is hard to find given the 70,000+ replies that have accumulated since then.
He has since pinned the video to his page, letting us know he safely made it out of the situation. He’s also liked a few comments asking for an update, so we’re guessing that he’ll drop a part two pretty soon.