Paul Prediger, formerly known as Gaige Grosskreutz, the man who survived being shot by Kyle Rittenhouse in Kenosha in 2020, has launched a fundraising campaign after a recent hit-and-run incident. Gaige Grosskreutz changed his name to Paul Prediger in 2022 to protect himself from “far right” people threatening his life after he testified in the Rittenhouse trial.
Grosskreutz, 29, was shot in the arm by Rittenhouse on Sheridan Road in Kenosha on August 25, 2020. The incident occurred while thousands had gathered to protest the police brutality and fatal shooting of African American man Jacob Black. At the time, Rittenhouse arrived outside the venue armed with a semi-automatic AR-15 rifle and killed two people before shooting Gaige Grosskreutz in the arm.
In 2021, Rittenhouse was acquitted on all charges in the shootings of three men, including two who were killed after the teen's attorneys argued that he opened fire in self-defense. In 2022, Gaige Grosskreutz, who testified against Rittenhouse, filed a secret petition to change his legal name over death threats from right-wing radicals.
However, the secret petition was reported by a conservative news outlet, Kenosha County Eye, which first revealed that Gaige Grosskreutz had changed his name to Paul Prediger.
Paul Prediger says the suspect was allegedly waiting for him to go through the crosswalk
Earlier this week, Paul Prediger, formerly known as Gaige Grosskreutz, launched a GoFundMe to raise funds after he was injured in a hit-and-run, that occurred on Brady Street on Saturday, September 2, 2023.
The incident was reported by WISN, which said that a pedestrian was struck in the crosswalk near Warren Avenue after a grey SUV quickly turned left and slammed into the victim.
While the outlet did not identify the victim, they reported that he had suffered multiple broken bones as a result of the crash. Shortly after, in another report, WISN published the victim’s account of the accident. He said:
"I looked to my right and saw a car that had its blinker on, and they were presumably waiting for me to go through the crosswalk.”While the victim chose to stay anonymous, Kenosha County Eye revealed the identity, stating that it was none other than Gaige Grosskreutz, now known as Paul Prediger.
In a GoFundMe page, the victim, Paul Prediger, cited news reports of the crash, while pleading for donations as he continues to recover from the accident. He said:
“On September 2nd, my life took an unexpected turn when I became the victim of a hit-and-run accident on Brady Street, Milwaukee. This incident has left me temporarily unable to work, and I am facing a challenging road to recovery.”He added:
“The accident left me with multiple broken bones, damage to my cervical spine, a lacerated liver, damaged teeth and severe road rash, resulting in an extended hospital stay and surgery with more procedures planned.”At the time of writing this article, the GoFundMe page asking for $2500 has raised $990 from 27 donors.
Authorities arrest a suspect in Paul Prediger's hit-and-run
Nearly three weeks after the crash, Milwaukee police made an arrest in the case. According to the criminal complaint cited in WISN, 30-year-old Marvin Thomas admitted plowing over Prediger. Thomas, who reportedly did not have a valid license, reportedly apologized for the incident.
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