cURL error 77: error setting certificate verify locations

I'm having trouble updating my Wordpress intall and plugin updates. I get this error or a slight variant of it with the plug ins:

Warning: An unexpected error occurred. Something may be wrong with or this server’s configuration. If you continue to have problems, please try the support forums. (WordPress could not establish a secure connection to Please contact your server administrator.) in /home/content/95/7663295/html/wp-admin/includes/update.php on line 122

Downloading update from

Download failed.: cURL error 77: error setting certificate verify locations: CAfile: /home/content/95/7663295/html/wp-includes/certificates/ca-bundle.crt CApath: none

Installation Failed

I haven't modified my certificate's path, so I'm not sure why I am getting this error.

5 Answers

Check that wp-includes/certificates actually exists or try to replace the existing one. It's always handy to backup the existing directory by zipping it before replacing it.

Solve in 5 mins.

Try to upload fresh certificate from the latest wp version.


1: get the certificates folder in /wp-includes/ 2: Copy the ca-bundle.crt file to this folder from latest version of WP and then place in same folder where error shows.

Why this issue come - sometime developers download complete site from live and then start development at demo server so it conflict.


Late answer, but in my case I have a .gitignore with that excludes all *.crt files because I don't want my self-signed certs to make it into the repo.

That will also exclude the /wp-includes/certificates/ca-bundle.crt bundle file (see your error message). So, if you cloned or pulled on a different machine, then there is your reason for this error.

To solve this, my root .gitignore looks like this

... *.key *.crt !ca-bundle.crt ... 

Recently I solve the same issue, there will be two possibilities which I applied on my client's website.

1) make sure your openSSL enabled, if not then do it from cPanel. And change the url from WordPress general setting from http to https

2) check the file and folder permission in wp-include folder and inside other folders, permission should be 577.

Downloading/updating plugins suddenly stopped working on my Wordpress site, and I got the same error message. When I checked my live site there's missing certificates folder in /wp-includes/

Here's how I fixed my issue:

  • Create certificates folder in /wp-includes/
  • Copy the ca-bundle.crt file to this folder from the same folder of a fresh copy of Wordpress
  • After that I was able to download/update plugins again
