Street Outlaws Lizzy Musi shares raw moments of cancer fight as she loses her hair Tue

Street Outlaws fans are currently sending prayers to racer Lizzy Musi as she battles stage four cancer in 2023. The Discovery show star explained via her YouTube channel in April that she had been diagnosed with the disease and was set to begin treatment.

Following in her father’s footsteps, Lizzy was inspired to start racing and she’s become a regular cast member of Street Outlaws nowadays. The racer has appeared on No Prep Kings since 2018. Lizzy takes to YouTube alongside her partner, Kye Kelley, to keep her fans up-to-date with her cancer journey.

Street Outlaws’ Lizzy Musi fights cancer

Taking to social media in April 2023, Street Outlaws star Lizzy Musi shared that she is currently battling cancer.

She is not only undergoing cancer treatment, but she also underwent an egg retrieval in case she and her partner have children in the future once her cancer battle is over.

Lizzy is 32 years old and is the daughter of engine builder and owner of Pat Musi Racing Engines, Pat Musi.

She’s on Instagram at @lizzymusi with 334k followers and on YouTube at Lizzy Musi Racing with over 60k subscribers.

Lizzy shares her cancer diagnosis

Lizzy found out that she had stage four breast cancer after noticing a “marble-sized lump” in her breast.

She initially thought nothing of it but it later grew in size and became tender.

After visiting a doctor and having a biopsy done, it was confirmed that she had an “aggressive” form of cancer that had spread to her liver and lymph nodes.

#WorldsBestFans 💗💗😊😊

Posted by Lizzy Musi on Sunday, June 4, 2023

The picture she ‘never thought’ she’d post

When Lizzy first shared her cancer diagnosis with her fans, she said that she was going to document her battle.

Throughout her cancer journey, she and Kye have been keeping her followers up-to-date. Many send prayers on her posts and wish the star to have a speedy recovery.

On June 4, 2023, Lizzy shared a selfie post to Instagram of herself with a shaven head. She wrote: “Well here it is…. Never thought in a million years I would post a picture like this…”

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The Discovery Channel star added that she wants to “share every raw moment” with her fans.

Lizzy is still racing throughout her cancer fight. She took to TikTok on June 5 to share the first race of the season with her followers. Many people wrote in the comments section of her post that Lizzy is “strong,” and that she “rocks.”

In the US, contact Cancer Care at 800‑813‑HOPE (4673) or visit this link, [email protected]. You can also call the American Cancer Society on 1-800-227-234 or visit their website (Find Support Programs and Services in Your Area)

In the UK you can call Breast Cancer Now free on 0808 800 6000 or visit Cancer Research UK (Resources and support), or Macmillan Cancer Support (Breast cancer).
