Chris Evans has gained worldwide recognition with his incredible acting skills and fit physique. He was named as one of the sexiest men alive by People magazine in 2022.
Evans has acted in movies such as Captain America, Avengers, Before We Go, Knives Out, Defending Jacob, and so on. In this article, we will discuss Evans' secret to falling asleep within five seconds of waking up in the middle of the night:
Chris Evans's Secret to Falling Asleep Within Five Seconds
Chris Evans said in an interview that he goes through a broken sleep schedule and often has trouble falling asleep. He also spoke with author Matthew Walker for better advice on how to sleep peacefully during the night.
Evans explained in an interview that he goes through broken sleep each night and has accepted it now. He considers himself lucky to be able to get through the first wave of sleep in about four hours.
He said about going through a peaceful four hours of sleep at night:
"If I wake up, and it's 1am or 2am, I literally have a mini celebration, and I'll go and have a break."It had become routine for him going through a broken sleep schedule. He started meditating to quickly fall asleep.
Meditating helped him fall back to sleep within 5-10 seconds. That's because meditation helps in relaxing the mind and letting go of the chaos that happens throughout the day or the stress about upcoming work.
The practice of meditation helps in physiological changes including slowing down breathing and regulating blood pressure. Meditation helps Evans enter a relaxed state of mind, which aids him to fall asleep quickly. Evans wakes up once or twice after the first batch of sleep till he gets up to go on through the day at about four o’clock.
Walker explains that fragmented sleep patterns are normal with stressful lives and especially with aging. According to him, incorporation of meditation by Evans to fall back asleep is one of the most efficient and wonderful interventions.
In a later interview, Evans explained that quarantining due to the COVID-19 pandemic might have helped in improving his sleep schedule, as he's able to sleep more calmly without too many breaks.
Bottom Line
Chris Evans credits meditation to falling aslpee within just five to ten seconds of waking up in the middle of the night. Experts credit that meditation helps in relaxing the mind along with calming the body down, which enables to quickly fall asleep.
If you're suffering from a fragmented sleep cycle, you can also try incorporating meditation into your routine, just like Chris Evans.
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