'Moonshiners' Josh Owens Talks Motorcycle Crash, Broken Neck, Back, L

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"Moonshiners" star Josh Owens is opening up about a very scary motorcycle crash that left him in pieces ... saying he suffered a broken neck, back, arm and legs.

Josh posted a video Monday from his hospital bed ... updating his followers for the first time on his condition after his severely violent accident earlier this month.

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JO only showed off one of his wounds, but it's pretty insane ... he turned the camera on his leg, which had about 50 staples and a huge scar.

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Gory as hell, for sure ... and Josh admitted he's hanging on by a thread, but he's also confident he'll bounce back.

Josh crashed on March 4, while taking part in a motorcycle race at Florida's Daytona International Speedway.

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