Gitrid Morgan Age: Tracy Morgans Son, Mother Sabina Morgan

Gitrid Morgan is the eldest son of Tracy Morgan and Sabina Morgan. Tracy is a renowned actor and comedian known for Saturday Night Live.  

NameGitrid Morgan
Age34 years
ParentsTracy Morgan and Sabina Morgan
SiblingsMalcolm Morgan, Tracy Morgan.Jr,Maven Sonae Morgan (half-sister)

However, Tarcy and Sabina got divorced in 2009. The couple has 2 more sons together.

10 Facts on Gitrid Morgan 

  • Gitrid Morgan (1986) is the son of American actor and comedian, Tracy Morgan. He is the age of 34 years old. However, his birthday and zodiac sign are off the web.
  • Gitrid was born to his mother, Sabina Morgan, who is Tracy’s first wife. The couple got married in 1987. But, things didn’t work out between the ex-partners and got separated in 2009.
  • Morgan is the oldest sibling of his family. He has two biological brothers: Malcolm Morgan and Tracy Morgan.Jr. Similarly, he also has a half-biological sister, Maven Sonae Morgan, who was born to Tracy’s second wife.
  • Girtird’s stepmother is actress and model Megan Wollover. Tracy married Megan in 2015. But, they recently got divorced in 2020. 
  • Following his bio, Gitrid Morgan was born and raised in the United States. Hence, he is American by nationality. In addition, his ethnicity is black.
  • Although Girtrid is a celebrity child surrounded by paparazzi all the time, he is a secretive person. He hasn’t disclosed details about his married status and children.
  • Gitrid grandparents are Alicia Warden and Jimmy Morgan. However, there is no Wikipedia page under the name Gitrid Morgan till date. 
  • Morgan stands at a decently tall height and weight. However, his official body measurements are off the web. Furthermore, he has dark eyes and black hair.
  • According to different sources, Girtrid shares a net worth of $51 million dollars with his father. With that amount of money, Morgan must be living a luxurious life. 
  • As we mentioned before, Gitrid is a reserved person. This explains his absence from Instagram and Twitter. 
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