Why did Chip Hailstone go to jail? Life Below Zero stars 15-month sentence explained Fri 7 A

Even the greatest Life Below Zero fans might not remember exactly why Chip Hailstone missed a season of the National Geographic series.

The Emmy award-winning show has been been on our screens for thirteen seasons now, with Chip and his wife Agnes Hailstone at its heart. Life Below Zero has looked at how Chip, Agnes and their fourteen children survive in the harsh Alaskan wilderness.

But back in season 10 (2018), Chip was missing from the entire season, as it was revealed he was serving a 15-month jail sentence. So, why did Chip Hailstone go to jail? What happened to the Life Below Zero presenter?

Screenshot: Chip Rescues Agnes | Life Below Zero – National Geographic YouTube

Who is Chip Hailstone?

Chip, who was born Edward V Hailstone, was born on March 5th, 1969 in in Kalispell, Montana. This makes him currently 51 years old.

Chip first visited Alaska when he was just 19 years old, and fell in love with the landscape. He was a keen fisher and hunter from a young age, so the wild life did not frighten him off. Initially this visit was supposed to be a short-term holiday, but Chip fell in love with Alaska and so permanently remained in Noorvik, by the Kobuk River. There, Chip met his native Alaskan wife Agnes, who was three years his junior.

Chip and Agnes have been together since they met and now have five daughters and even a grandchild. Agnes had two sons from a previous relationship.

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Why did Chip Hailstone go to jail?

In 2017, Chip Hailstone was jailed at the Anchorage Correctional Complex with a 15 months sentence, followed by 3 years of probation.

Reports state that Chip was convicted of two counts of perjury and two counts of providing false information with “the intent of implicating another in an offense.”

This is allegedly in relation to a reported altercation between an Alaskan trooper and Chip’s 17-year-old daughter Tinmiaq in 2011.

